Starting to buy equipment for my new tank, this is what I need

Hyperion, I am using my own lights, they are 400 MH, I considered LED's but I want this to be a kick *** system and I don't have time to experiment with them. I know well my way around with MH and since my reflectors are vented outside, the chiller is also outside I don't really have a problem with heat.
Dave, I kept all my mp60's and 12 tunzes from my old system, I also kept my calcium reactor, live rock and denitrator and lights, so I don't really need a lot for now. I kind of regret selling my skimmer because my old distribuitor no longer carries them but I am sure I can buy a use one.

Hey Roger let me know when you are ready for this very lg sump I still have at my place just sitting around waiting on a home ....