Stingray feeding frequency


New member
It's been a while since I've posted here and glad to see the forum is still around.

I don't see a shark/ray subforum so I'll ask my question here. I recently picked up a common round stingray and he's been in my 75gal QT (alone with no rock) for 3 days now. He didn't eat the first day, ate a whole silverside yesterday and doesn't seem interested in food today yet. I'm not concerned but just wondering how often they eat? There's conflicting info online, some say once a day, once every 3 days, 3x a day.

Anyone have experience? He's about 6in round and will be going in my 220gal.
The rule of thumb is every 3 days for predators or large predators. If you just got the Ray I would offer food as much as the ray will accept it. There is a section for sharks and rays under the aggressive Fish sub forum, just under disease and reef fish
I believe it’s more about controlling growth rates and water quality as to why you shouldn’t feed everyday
Yeah, this video is actually over 4 years ago. This tank is actually an 8foot long tank so they lived here for a while They have been rehomed already.