New member
I've already got a fire extinguisher at my desk. I'm well prepared for the flame throwers.
I've got a 240 display, 40 gallon tank build-out nearing completion of an 8 week fish less NH4OH cycle at my office. tank is bare bottom and rock structure is minimal. All parameters are in spec to start stocking, and I'm just maintaining the cycle until I start.
I had good success with my last tank (until a seal broke:headwalls
with SPS, and I'm planning on running a tang / angel tank with SPS only - unlike the last tank, which contained a fair amount of LPS buyers softies, no zoos - only SPS and fish. Anemones and clams will be a gut-call after, and pulled if they present issues.
My question is more on fish compatibility and feeding behaviors. I've read through as much information as I can, and I'm trying to stock with more "active" fish that can all fair decently well come feeding time (read: not a copperband). I'm aware that I may have a culprit on the angel side with the SPS, and at this point I'm willing to take that chance. My thought is by starting FO for the first 6+ months, I can get them all onto a more suitable feeding cycle / aquarist-provided meals, rather than corals.
If you could take a look at the below and either affirm or reject my stocking list, I'd love your feedback. The list is based on order of addition, with those that are more sensitive to acclimation / smaller being introduced first. In all cases, I'll be going with adult specimens rather than juvenile - both for similar sizing between fish as well as to increase the odds of surviving the journey.
1) Powder Blue Tang
Delay 3-4 weeks
2) Harlequin Tusk
Delay 3-4 weeks
3) Annularis Angelfish
Delay 2-4 weeks
4) Purple Tang
5) Convict Tang
Delay until settled, sump and repeat until calm.
6) Blond Naso Tang
Delay until settled, sump and repeat until calm.
*7) Regal Angelfish
* I'm going to gut call this based on room in the tank at the time. I'm not going to overstock the tank, but I'm also not going to feed heavily enough to grow everything to max size.
Any opinions on the above are welcome, and if you have a direct "NO" opinion with any of the above angels and SPS, I'd love to hear it. Stocking order is also free to flame - I appreciate the opinion, even if it does give third degree burns.
Hey, if Coppolino can do it, anyone can... amirite? :inlove:
I've got a 240 display, 40 gallon tank build-out nearing completion of an 8 week fish less NH4OH cycle at my office. tank is bare bottom and rock structure is minimal. All parameters are in spec to start stocking, and I'm just maintaining the cycle until I start.
I had good success with my last tank (until a seal broke:headwalls

My question is more on fish compatibility and feeding behaviors. I've read through as much information as I can, and I'm trying to stock with more "active" fish that can all fair decently well come feeding time (read: not a copperband). I'm aware that I may have a culprit on the angel side with the SPS, and at this point I'm willing to take that chance. My thought is by starting FO for the first 6+ months, I can get them all onto a more suitable feeding cycle / aquarist-provided meals, rather than corals.
If you could take a look at the below and either affirm or reject my stocking list, I'd love your feedback. The list is based on order of addition, with those that are more sensitive to acclimation / smaller being introduced first. In all cases, I'll be going with adult specimens rather than juvenile - both for similar sizing between fish as well as to increase the odds of surviving the journey.
1) Powder Blue Tang
Delay 3-4 weeks
2) Harlequin Tusk
Delay 3-4 weeks
3) Annularis Angelfish
Delay 2-4 weeks
4) Purple Tang
5) Convict Tang
Delay until settled, sump and repeat until calm.
6) Blond Naso Tang
Delay until settled, sump and repeat until calm.
*7) Regal Angelfish
* I'm going to gut call this based on room in the tank at the time. I'm not going to overstock the tank, but I'm also not going to feed heavily enough to grow everything to max size.
Any opinions on the above are welcome, and if you have a direct "NO" opinion with any of the above angels and SPS, I'd love to hear it. Stocking order is also free to flame - I appreciate the opinion, even if it does give third degree burns.
Hey, if Coppolino can do it, anyone can... amirite? :inlove: