Stocking Advice - SPS / Angel / Tang tank


New member
I've already got a fire extinguisher at my desk. I'm well prepared for the flame throwers.

I've got a 240 display, 40 gallon tank build-out nearing completion of an 8 week fish less NH4OH cycle at my office. tank is bare bottom and rock structure is minimal. All parameters are in spec to start stocking, and I'm just maintaining the cycle until I start.

I had good success with my last tank (until a seal broke:headwalls:) with SPS, and I'm planning on running a tang / angel tank with SPS only - unlike the last tank, which contained a fair amount of LPS buyers softies, no zoos - only SPS and fish. Anemones and clams will be a gut-call after, and pulled if they present issues.

My question is more on fish compatibility and feeding behaviors. I've read through as much information as I can, and I'm trying to stock with more "active" fish that can all fair decently well come feeding time (read: not a copperband). I'm aware that I may have a culprit on the angel side with the SPS, and at this point I'm willing to take that chance. My thought is by starting FO for the first 6+ months, I can get them all onto a more suitable feeding cycle / aquarist-provided meals, rather than corals.

If you could take a look at the below and either affirm or reject my stocking list, I'd love your feedback. The list is based on order of addition, with those that are more sensitive to acclimation / smaller being introduced first. In all cases, I'll be going with adult specimens rather than juvenile - both for similar sizing between fish as well as to increase the odds of surviving the journey.

1) Powder Blue Tang
Delay 3-4 weeks
2) Harlequin Tusk
Delay 3-4 weeks
3) Annularis Angelfish
Delay 2-4 weeks
4) Purple Tang
5) Convict Tang
Delay until settled, sump and repeat until calm.
6) Blond Naso Tang
Delay until settled, sump and repeat until calm.
*7) Regal Angelfish

* I'm going to gut call this based on room in the tank at the time. I'm not going to overstock the tank, but I'm also not going to feed heavily enough to grow everything to max size.

Any opinions on the above are welcome, and if you have a direct "NO" opinion with any of the above angels and SPS, I'd love to hear it. Stocking order is also free to flame - I appreciate the opinion, even if it does give third degree burns.

Hey, if Coppolino can do it, anyone can... amirite? :inlove:

Stocking Advice - SPS / Angel / Tang tank

I've already got a fire extinguisher at my desk. I'm well prepared for the flame throwers.

I've got a 240 display, 40 gallon tank build-out nearing completion of an 8 week fish less NH4OH cycle at my office. tank is bare bottom and rock structure is minimal. All parameters are in spec to start stocking, and I'm just maintaining the cycle until I start.

I had good success with my last tank (until a seal broke:headwalls:) with SPS, and I'm planning on running a tang / angel tank with SPS only - unlike the last tank, which contained a fair amount of LPS buyers softies, no zoos - only SPS and fish. Anemones and clams will be a gut-call after, and pulled if they present issues.

My question is more on fish compatibility and feeding behaviors. I've read through as much information as I can, and I'm trying to stock with more "active" fish that can all fair decently well come feeding time (read: not a copperband). I'm aware that I may have a culprit on the angel side with the SPS, and at this point I'm willing to take that chance. My thought is by starting FO for the first 6+ months, I can get them all onto a more suitable feeding cycle / aquarist-provided meals, rather than corals.

If you could take a look at the below and either affirm or reject my stocking list, I'd love your feedback. The list is based on order of addition, with those that are more sensitive to acclimation / smaller being introduced first. In all cases, I'll be going with adult specimens rather than juvenile - both for similar sizing between fish as well as to increase the odds of surviving the journey.

1) Powder Blue Tang

Delay 3-4 weeks

2) Harlequin Tusk

Delay 3-4 weeks

3) Annularis Angelfish

Delay 2-4 weeks

4) Purple Tang

5) Convict Tang

Delay until settled, sump and repeat until calm.

6) Blond Naso Tang

Delay until settled, sump and repeat until calm.

*7) Regal Angelfish

* I'm going to gut call this based on room in the tank at the time. I'm not going to overstock the tank, but I'm also not going to feed heavily enough to grow everything to max size.

Any opinions on the above are welcome, and if you have a direct "NO" opinion with any of the above angels and SPS, I'd love to hear it. Stocking order is also free to flame - I appreciate the opinion, even if it does give third degree burns.

Hey, if Coppolino can do it, anyone can... amirite? :inlove:


Hey Colton,
I'd add the regal first, if you are planning to do it. PBT and Purple tangs before a relatively skittish Angel? Big no no. I'd add the purple and the PBT and the Naso all at the same time, last. I haven't heard much about convict tangs, but I'm pretty sure they're Zebrasoma, so you may want to add them with the tangs.

Great fish list btw, make a build thread when you're ready!

Hope that didn't leave any third degree burns :lolspin:
I agree with the above comment. Add the regal first and make sure it's eating well. Tangs last. I had to remove my PBT a while ago due to aggression and at that time he was the last fish added. Good luck, that's a great fish list. I have two regals and neither ever touch a coral.
I would definitely add the Convict before any of the other tangs/angels, especially the Powder blue. They tend to be some of the most docile, non-aggressive tangs there are.
I would definitely add the Convict before any of the other tangs/angels, especially the Powder blue. They tend to be some of the most docile, non-aggressive tangs there are.

I have no experience with convicts, but this guy seems like he knows what he's talking about!

Good luck! I'd also forgo the Naso, honestly. Those bad boys get big, and may seem the tank look cramped.
The only warnings I would give is the Annularis can definitely wipe out some corals. The warning with the Regal angel is that in my experience these are pretty shy and timid fish. The Regal does not have a high success rate with a lot of hobbyists.

With a minimal rock scape the Regal may not have enough places to hide and feel comfortable. It also is a fish that really likes to hunt for food. Your minimal scape might not provide enough natural feeding area for the Regal.

If you choose to try a Regal, wait to find a Red Sea or the Yellow Belly. Non-Yellow belly can be sourced from the Phillipines and are not always caught in the best manner to protect the longevity of the fish.

Dave B
I'd probably put the powder blue and convict last and at the same time. Or at least the convict before the PB. Regal before the annularis. I personally like juvie fish because they tend to get along better with conspecifics at a smaller size, plus it's rewarding to watch them grow.
I agree with above about adding PBT and purple last. Maybe add regal angel and convict tang first at the same time. We have an SPS dominant tank with regal, goldflake and blue face and flame angels along with sailfin and blue tangs and Moorish idol and our experience has been that SPS have been fine but the couple of zoa colonies we left in as a "test" didn't fair so well. They haven't bothered the couple of euphylia we left in or the few leathers we left in as well. Good luck with your project!
Morning everyone,

To everyone above, thanks for the advice. I've adjusted based on your feedback:

1) Regal Angelfish
Delay 3-4 weeks
2) Harlequin Tusk
Delay 3-4 weeks
3) Annularis Angelfish
Delay 2-4 weeks
4) Convict Tang
Delay until settled, 2-4 weeks
5) Purple Tang
6) Powder Blue Tang
*7) Blond Naso Tang
Delay until settled, sump and repeat until calm.

I agree with the Naso being questionable as well, with regards to size. My reasoning for having them higher up was only due to personal experience - every Naso I've seen has seemingly been more personable than other tangs, and that is saying something.

The above comments lead me to believe that powder blue tangs don't present issues with infection as a result of stress, which is contrary to what I've been led to believe in the past. Am I off base here?

And BigBlueTang - I'll get to work on taking photos. I've got a few steps left (connecting lights, finishing plumbing for emergency overflow on sump, etc) and I'll update this thread.
Honestly depending on the size of the Convict Tang and the Annularis Angel, the Convict may need to come first. Annularis can get a little aggressive to newcomers.
Morning everyone,

To everyone above, thanks for the advice. I've adjusted based on your feedback:

1) Regal Angelfish
Delay 3-4 weeks
2) Harlequin Tusk
Delay 3-4 weeks
3) Annularis Angelfish
Delay 2-4 weeks
4) Convict Tang
Delay until settled, 2-4 weeks
5) Purple Tang
6) Powder Blue Tang
*7) Blond Naso Tang
Delay until settled, sump and repeat until calm.

I agree with the Naso being questionable as well, with regards to size. My reasoning for having them higher up was only due to personal experience - every Naso I've seen has seemingly been more personable than other tangs, and that is saying something.

The above comments lead me to believe that powder blue tangs don't present issues with infection as a result of stress, which is contrary to what I've been led to believe in the past. Am I off base here?

And BigBlueTang - I'll get to work on taking photos. I've got a few steps left (connecting lights, finishing plumbing for emergency overflow on sump, etc) and I'll update this thread.

Are you planning on quarantining the fish?
If so, pathogens shouldn't be a worry. I'd also highly recommend QT'ing the regal, just to get it eating.
Hi Colton,

You've gotten some good advice on the order of the fish...........Your time table is not good, I would look at 4-6 week minimal based on QT.

You're going to go down a world of hurt if you don't QT these fish.

You mentioned Copps..........he has probably one of the most comprehensive QT protocols and he normally buys juveniles.

The angels may nip at Sps polyps when young, but as adults they probably won't bother them.

Just so you know.............there's a good chance the H. Tusk is going to eat your inverts, and snails are needed when your Sps Sticks are small.
Just a thought on the stocking make it a bit more unique I'd be more inclined to do a pair/trio of Regals and or maybe 2-3 convicts.

Eliminate the Annularis and the more aggressive tangs, but that's just me.
have agree to disagree. stress, malnutrition and bad water condition rank high on reasons why fish die in captivity.

Oh for sure.
However, the topic being argued wasn't what kills fish the most. It's that stress shows diseases, which is true, but with a good QT protocol, shouldn't be a factor.
I'd also try a trio of convict tangs. Have you looked at Chrysurus angels? I've got one in an sps tank. Doesn't bother hammers or Acans either.
Thanks again for the advice - apologies on the delayed response. Managed to break a rib this weekend, which is making moving around so much fun, and sneezing... just the absolute worst thing ever.

Dear god sneezing with a broken rib. It's like a bomb is going off.

Regardless, I'll delay my timing between fish back and plan on running a secondary QT tank. Ed, I may owe you another pizza. :)

Juveniles don't sound like a bad plan either, but I'm going to play that by ear. I like the convict enough to warrant a drop of the annularis (probably beneficial for SPS eventually anyhow), even though it sure is a pretty fish.

Added the chrysurus, removed the annularis. Plan of action at this point is to run all of 6-12 months as FOWLR, then migrate to SPS once everything is settled and happy.

Updated stocking list:

1) Regal Angelfish
Delay 6 weeks
2) Harlequin Tusk
Delay 6 weeks
3) Chrysurus Angelfish
Delay until settled, 6 weeks
4) Convict Tang
Delay until settled, 6 weeks
5) Purple Tang
6) Powder Blue Tang
*7) Blond Naso Tang
Delay until settled, sump and repeat until calm.

Now no one tickle me / make me laugh / sneeze / gasp or anything else that involves my chest or I'm liable to keel over.