Stringy white poo?


New member
I have a new clown in qt his eating is spuratic at best but he has stringy white poo, any ideas what this is and if so how to treat it?
Thanks John
Thanks for the link. It said stress could be a reason for it. Since he's only been in the tank for three days should I worry or just keep an eye out? I did a water change before acclimating him and my water is in good condition. It is a new tank though, it cycled for 4 weeks and I seeded the sand with sand from my reef tank and also added some rock from the reef tank, I followed the normal routine with cycling and tests lead me to belive water quality is good. (QT water comes from the tank) Any other thoughts?
Heres how it would go with my clowns:

*All in one week
Day 1, 2 just fine
Then some ich, no eating
No ich as the ich cycle repeats
No Ich
White Poo

That's what I saw with all the clowns ive purchased from a certain lfs

I've seen them in white poo stage at the lfs too.
I hope you are wrong but it wouldn't surprise me too much with the LFS I got him from. I'll keep a eye on him and hopefully be able to treat it before he something worse happens.
I think that internal bacterial infection is often overlooked as the cause for stringy white feces. This can start from feeding the fish tainted foods. Do you store all foods in the freezer, including flake and freeze-dried to preserve the nutritional quality. Foods that are old or improperly stored can harbor a large population of bacterias. How many different foods do you offer? I would try an antibiotic in the food as the first treatment if the fish is eating. Focus by Seachem is a polymer that contains nitrofurazone that can be put on the food. You can also add some Maracyn-Two in powder form to the Focus. If the fish does not respond to treatment by day 7 then you should try an antitparasitic in the food or water, but only treat the water if the fish is in a quarantine tank.

Terry B
I've been feeding a variety of foods, Formula One flakes, Omega One pellets w/ Garlic, and Frozen Cyclopeez. I do not keep my flakes or pelets in the freezer, I have never heard of that. The main reason that I would lean towards something other than the food causing the problem is that I've only had the guy for 5 days now. When I feed them , one (the possibly sick one) darts at food and is obviously aware of the food in the tank but he actually consumes very little. Is this b/c he doesn't like the food tat is offered or b/c of a possible illness? Also,What is the normal breathing rate for clowns? Without a base to work from I can't be positive he is breathing heavy.
can anyone recommend any medication for internal diseases (bacteria, infections, worms) etc that have been effective?
I've been reading this thread and noticed that my female true perc has stringy white poo also. She is WC and hasnt been eating anything lately since I brought her home from the LFS (the LFS said that she was eating brine before I took her home). I've been wondering if she's just getting used to her surroundings or if she's sick. Should I give her a couple more days to adjust? and if she is sick, what should I use to treat her? Thanks.
here's a pic of the stringy white poo.

It isn't clear how long you've had this fish and whether or not you use a quarantine system to verify the fish was healthy before you put it into your display tank. Being an anemonefish, it should also have been treated for Brooklynella as a precaution.

Sometimes an internally infected fish (bacteria or worms or parasites) will stop eating or slow its intake. But usually there are other signs, like loss of weight, and/or strange excrement. Strange excrement is usually not a result of the fish trying to settle in. Consider the possibilities by reading this short article:

Another concern is when the fish is eating quite a bit of food, but doesnââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t seem to gain weight. Where is the nutrition going? If it is the proper foods for this fish (see reference below) then there is a chance the fish is eating for ââ"šÂ¬Ã‹Å“twoââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢ or more (i.e., it has intestinal worms).

A fish with internal worms may live happily ever after or end up with the fuzzy end of the lollipop. The latter easily comes about through stress, poor water quality, and/or by not feeding the best possible diet.

For diet help, check this out:

If the fish isnââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t eating then the only way to get medication inside of them is to put them in a quarantine tank and treat the water with chemicals that will kill the internal condition. The drug Praziquantel (a.k.a. droncit) will treat intestinal worms, Maracyn Two for Saltwater fish will treat an internal bacterial infection.

However, I'm not convinced it is a worm condition without more information. To be conservative, do an 80% water change and see if the fish seems to 'perk up.' If no response, treat the fish for worms, but also include an antibiotic that will cure an internal bacterial infection. If the fish definately perks up (starts eating or eats more), then check your water conditions including the source water and, if nothing is wrong there, treat you fish for an internal bacterial infection.

If the fish was fat and eating properly and being fed a proper diet (see above reference), with vitamin and fat supplements, it can live without eating for several weeks, providing all other environmental and water quality conditions are as they should be and the fish isnââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t diseased. Praziquantel is best administered orally so see if you can get the fish eating.
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