Stupidity of the Day Award


Ok, I win it for today. I went to Something Fishy on my way home from work to buy a CC starfish for my harlequin pair. Well, I ended up coming home with this:

Yes, I know what it is, and yes, I knew better even when I was getting it. I've wanted one for a long time and until now my good sense has won the battle, but not today. Anything similar ever happen to you?
Ryan, looks like you're in the lead today .... ;)

jk,,,, we've all been there, done that!!!!

good luck with it !!!!!! :)
i saw that carpet pic and the first thing that came to mind was that Price Is Right where the mountain hiker is yodeling as he marches up the hill, before he falls off.
I got a feeling he'll be breakdancing later tonight when the lights turn off.
I am sure he feels like he hit the lottery Ryan, right after he entered your tank and picked up the scent of all that fresh "meat" in your aquarium!!!

Keep us posted on the "body count"

But maybe he is a "peaceful" "small" carpet that want get that big!! and only has an appetite for flake foods!!
It did move just a bit the first night in the tank, but last night stayed put. So far no casualties. Bill - it's already about a foot across, so I doubt that it will be a "small" one, but hopefully will be peaceful. I intend to keep it well fed, but that of course is still no guarantee.
Oh yeah! I fed it a decent size silverside last night. It was pretty cool, just kinda folded up around it and it was gone in just a matter of a few seconds.
Feed me seymor!

(Subtle B, very subtle.)

"FEED ME!!!" cries the voice of Audrey 2


Shown here:
Audrey 2, Seymor and (soon to be lunch) Audrey in the 2009 production of "Little Shop of Horrors!"

Not shown here: the voice of Audrey 2
(played by my 17-year old son!)