Suggestion for auction & frag swap


New member
Hey we all have digital cameras. In the future why dont we all take pictures of the frags and or their mother colony and print them out. Then once you get the frag checked in and a lot number is placed on it you can tack it up somewhere. That way we can go and look at the pictures b4 the meeting and say "O'Yea I have to have #3, #27 & #44."

This will make it easier to know what we are bidding on and not the mystery polyps. I also think that it could increase the bidding.

For the frag swap just print a pic and bring it with you.

Just an idea. Please don't flame me. I'm super sensitive.
how about you print out the pics that are posted. for example there where pics of almost every frag i bought. you where more than welcome to print those out and ask for those frags.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9072374#post9072374 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jessp
how about you print out the pics that are posted. for example there where pics of almost every frag i bought. you where more than welcome to print those out and ask for those frags.
You did a great job posting frag pics. But I did not know what was what during the auction. I was just saying that it would make it easier.

Hey jessp. Let me say that you got some great stuff.
Re: Suggestion for auction & frag swap

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9072266#post9072266 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ninjamini
Hey we all have digital cameras. In the future why dont we all take pictures of the frags and or their mother colony and print them out. Then once you get the frag checked in and a lot number is placed on it you can tack it up somewhere. That way we can go and look at the pictures b4 the meeting and say "O'Yea I have to have #3, #27 & #44."

This will make it easier to know what we are bidding on and not the mystery polyps. I also think that it could increase the bidding.

For the frag swap just print a pic and bring it with you.

Just an idea. Please don't flame me. I'm super sensitive.
This idea was brought in the past and it is very nice, I can see us doing this once we get more organized and assign a person to catalog all frags.
The barrier is that not everyone post the frags that they bring to the auction (me been one)
There was a post prior to the meeting asking everyone bringing frags to take pics and post them.
Thanks for the suggestions, please keep on posting them, we really like to hear from all members.
Don't forget also, that for the 100 plus frags that were shown, 100 color pictures would get downright expensive, with ink cartridges around 30-40 bucks for a cheap one! Maybe what we need to do is to start a database within the club, someone can be in charge of that, where every meeting a dozen or so pictures of mother colonies and frags are brought in on a disk. Then, whomever is in charge of putting them on the laptop that's at every meeting, can pull up a picture on the overhead projector as the frag is being called. That way we can all oooh and ahhhh over the frags we can't afford! My idea, unfortunately alot of people won't like it, is to limit a little how many frags one person can bring... I was an offender of this at first, but after a few times I stopped bringing 20-30 frags, because the auction was just taking too long. Do we really need 20 frags of xenia??? Or pink zooanthids of death? No matter what you call them!

Please don't flame me, just an opinion.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9074021#post9074021 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ludwigia73
My idea, unfortunately alot of people won't like it, is to limit a little how many frags one person can bring... I was an offender of this at first, but after a few times I stopped bringing 20-30 frags, because the auction was just taking too long. Do we really need 20 frags of xenia??? Or pink zooanthids of death? No matter what you call them!

Please don't flame me, just an opinion.

Chris, we have been talking about limiting the frags for a few months now. It may become reality in the near future.
Yes, it is a great source of revenue for the club. That helps keep the dues at next to nothing. I looked into joining a fishing club that is local. It was $250 a year! ouch!

But the biggest problem with the auction is the amount of manpower that goes into it. I have been asking for months to limit it. But that may not be the answer. I really don't know how to make it quicker other than limiting the amount for each person or say, stopping each piece quicker. Instead of letting people bid at the last minute.
Considering the revenue to the club, it would be a little conterproductive to limit the auctions.
Less revenue from auctions could eventually equate to higher membership dues.
Seems like there's no way to avoid taking the good with the bad on this one.
I don't get it. Its does not seem like people are running to the door to get out.

This goes back to what I was saying about pictures for the auction. If you bring in 5 frags to sell then print 5 pictures. Heck print in on plane paper in draft mode. That does not take alot of ink. Hey people that bring the same frags week after week can use the same picture each week.
Actually, there were more than a few people that left early.

Before the auctions, the dues were the same. I don't personally believe that limiting the auctions would raise the membership dues. The auction does, however, permit the club to do some really great field trips. Any source of income helps the club out. I'm definitely not saying get rid of it... It was a great idea when it began and continues to be a great idea. It's just gotten out of hand... an hour and a half of an auction every month is a little much. Over a hundred frags is a little much. I'm going to stop now, because if enough people like the auction the way it is, I'd say leave it. It was just my opinion.
Speaking of which... any cool new ideas from the surveys? I'm sure they haven't been picked apart yet, but surely you guys must've read some interesting stuff...
i think that there is stuff that should be limited. maybe we shouldn't have 25 bags of xenia. to me xenia should just be given away to club members that are interested. you can probably tell im not a big xenia fan lol
It could always go to a written auction. Lay out the frags across the tables. Put down a piece of paper and write your name and a price. Then if you want to bid more write your name. Give it 30 minutes or so. So that you can make it around.
Lets just think of it as this:

-People will be people. Some are lazy and some are willing to go the extra mile.
-Limiting frags brought to the auction will not work, neither will requiring pictures to be taken of the frag up for auction.
-It is some what time consuming when bidding and buying livestock, but what do you expect? If you don't have time to wait around then don't bid on it and whine about it later.

Bottom line is people will not change. I personally like how the club is doing the auctions. This meeting took a little longer because we had a new auctioneer (no offense Rogger ;)) but he will be quicker next time.

The written idea for an auction is ludicrous. That will never work, too many people and it will take much longer then a regular auction.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9076024#post9076024 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ludwigia73
Speaking of which... any cool new ideas from the surveys? I'm sure they haven't been picked apart yet, but surely you guys must've read some interesting stuff...

Yes, I picked apart every single one. I'll post some of the ideas soon. :)
Last time I brought some frags to the auction I posted pics online and I also printed the picks and taped them to the bags, this way everyone could see what the mother colony looked like of the frag that was in the auction. It took me all of 5 min. to print and tape to the bags.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9078410#post9078410 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by julioperez01
...I posted pics online and I also printed the picks and taped them to the bags...

Now there is a guy with a GREAT idea. Takes no additional time from the club. Nothing to organize. No lists to make. No squinting and say "I think its (insert color)".

There it is. A picture on the bag. Now getting people to do it is the question. Require it - No. Suggest it - Yes. Its a great idea. Even better than mine. Wow the simplicity.

I am a marketing person and I am always thinking of how to promote a product. When I bring a frag to the auction, and I will, I am going to tape a picture to the bag. I think I will take the picture with my kid in it looking at the coral. He will have a look on his face as to say "Wow thats a great coral!"
Just a thought...
What about a weekend meeting once every 2 months were it would be just for auctions? Since it would be auction driven, no speakers or demonstrations, it should go be quicker...than a mmeting followed by an auction.
That way we keep the club revenue coming in and the main meetings would not be as long.

Agin just a thought... :)
I was thinking that if the pics are posted on line,then if we could sort out a laptop with internet access,so that while the auction is rolling someone can scroll for that pic.Now if there is a way to somehow get that pic up onto the large projector screen at the front of the classroom?-I think that would be cool.
great idea commando but sorting the frags so they are in order as on the laptop presentation would take way to long in my opinion.