So funny story…I got a clown goby about 4 months ago, did great. I tried a frogspawn coral out and he immediately started eating it. I was so angry I immediately took him back to the LFS. After that the coral along with the others I tried started melting away so I assumed he was eating it because it was dying. I instantly felt like a horrible fish mom. I called the LFS back and asked if he was still there and he was, I asked if they could hold him because I was coming back for him. I got him back, and a few days later he came down with ich. I transferred him into a QT tank and treated with Paraguard which initially worked, but a few days later there were ich spots everywhere. I continued to treat, and noticed only a small difference. I didn’t want to treat wiry copper but realized that was my only option. Treated with copper and the little guy is cleared of ich within a week. He stayed in QT for another 2 months and one day when I fed, a stray cat hair got in the tank and he choked on it while trying to eat his food. I had to scoop this yellow pain in the
out with a net and pull the hair out with tweezers….a week later he goes back into the DT. A month later I put zoas in, everything is fine. I put a leather coral in and it becomes his place to only perch but pick at the polyps! I’ve decided I’m claiming this little yellow
as a dependent. Now I’m looking for a nano ready tank just for this little s#%t!