Maybe I should get a tuxedo thenMy Tuxedo is pretty well behaved. My pincushion is the one that likes to wear all the shells and frag plugs it can. The pencil just bulldozes everything around.
Tagging @leebca to see if he can help with your Ich problemI ordered a coral lens. I’m taking pics once that arrives on Wednesday. No matter what I do, it all looks like blue blobs.
Also, I’m still battling ich in the qt tank. I’m using cupramine and testing it nearly everyday to make sure it’s at the therapeutic level with minimal improvement. I woke up this morning and my Royal gramma is crouching in the corner looking like she’s scared for life. Yesterday she was out swimming and eating normally. I’m not sure if the female clown is bullying her of if this is a side effect of the medication. Is ich really this complicated to treat or is it the kind of treatment I’m using? I have 2 quarantine tanks set up and I’m tempted to move her to the other one to see if she improves.
He will likely want a short 1-2 minute video of the fish under white light to help diagnose and offer a possible solutions.Thank you!
It actually looks like a severe case of ich to me. Grammas have very little resistance to it. Do you have pics of the clownfish? It would be unusual for them to show signs of ich, but they are very prone to Brook: BrooklynellaI lost the RG and YCG. It looks like velvet vs ich…I have no clue how this was introduced. My clowns are now showing signs of it. This has been a really bad morning
I’m trying to get a pic of them. They move so quickly. It looks like small white spots to the point he has a white hue to him (black clown). The orange one doesn’t have it as bad…yet. I’ve been treating them all in cupramine for over 2 weeks, kept it at a therapeutic level and they got worse.It actually looks like a severe case of ich to me. Grammas have very little resistance to it. Do you have pics of the clownfish? It would be unusual for them to show signs of ich, but they are very prone to Brook: Brooklynella