Sun polyps- in shade only?


New member
I have seen so many pictures of people's sun polyps out and happy under the lights. I always thought they were strictly low to no light. I have had mine back in a cave and they only open at night so I have to feed them then. Plus my gobie and fire fish both live back there and steal the food from them.

Tonight I decided to try to move them out more into the open. Since I only have 48W pc in a 12 gal. and have them on the sand I'm hoping it won't be too much for them.

How do you do it? Get them to open in so much light, I mean.

We have a colony in a 29g with 130w PCs. THey are on the bottom, slightly shaded but get moderate light. Some have "trained" them to eat during the day, don't know the details of that but this is what we are doing. Feed fish first so they don't steal so much. We use a syringe with clear tubing like a pipette to target feed a bit with the lights off, just room light. When the polyps start opening, we turn on the lights and feed more. This may do it. The nassarious snails are good at cleaning up leftovers. This coral is pretty but a PIA.
Mine is a PIA too :D Right now mine is kinda shaded a little, but they are hard to target feed in a cave or overhang. I have MH over my tank, but the sun in on the sand 20" deep, it doesn't seem to mind to much and opens when the halides turn off and the actintics are on.
Thanks for the ideas. I had them in a former tank and we had glued them to the top of the cave - upside down. It was easier to feed that way because the food drifted up. When I try to feed in the cave the cleaner shrimp and fish come dashing over and grab everything. I will try the syringe. I know they've been getting some food because I watch closely. They are a PITA and I don't know why I bought them again - yes I do, they're pretty!.

i have minds out in the open seems when the hadlids are on kool to watch..
I've had a lot of problems with fish stealing food from my sun polyp.

I've recently been using a combination of my net and my tongs to prevent my goby and clowns from stealing food from it, but its not working that well.

Gonna try out the strawberry basket solution.

BTW, mine come out after food is in the water, i feed the fish first and then the sun polyp about an hour after, which is usually an hour before actinics come on. I used to have it in the shade, but ive moved it out into the sand and its been fine.
The only thing that trys to steal the food from my sun are the hermit crabs. I feed the sun with a turkey baster and when ever the hermits get to close i use the baster the shove them under the sand, takes them a while to dig themselves out so my sun has time to swallow :D