"Superorder Peracarida, of the Class Malacostraca", Say what ?

Click on the link in the first post above, then scroll down, there are a lot of pictures. Check it out.
When I first bought new frags of zoas the first week of having them would determine if they would make it in my tanks. At night the new frags would be covered in these amphipods and I could watch the zoas be eaten by the little critters. Over the course of the week I watched the 20-30 polyp frags deteriorate. Over the first two days or so I would notice the zoas were still opening but they wouldn't have a skirt any longer. Over the course of the next three to four days the zoas would gradually stop opening. There were no other creatures picking on the zoas other thank astrea stars which is another story. But when ever I noticed the zoas going down hill I always noticed the amphipods first and then the astrea stars.

I thought I had pictures somewhere but can't find them at the moment.

After a week the rasta & blue agave fully rebounded. Will give it another week then move it back in sand and see what happens. The pods seem to only bother these, shorter lash zoa's/paly. The longer lash ones were never abused
Question - were they perfectly healthy polyps?

I believe they were healthy but you can never tell if there is an underlying problem. The place I was buying them from got them from the wild and they always had detritus on the mats. I noticed this happening most when I would slow down on the feedings and stopped happening when I fed more food. But there can always be other factors that effects the growth of zoas. If there is one thing I learned from my Psychology professor it is the saying "correlation does not mean causation."

Thread revival.

I have zoa eating amphipods, they have so far eaten a small frag of rastas and are now working on the second rasta frag and a frag of green bay packers. All these frags were full, open, and healthy last week. Now the two left are very irritated and won't open at all right now. They seem to gang up on one closed head at night and then pick at it until they can get to the inside of the zoa. I have been checking each night and will sit and watch them do this, they do not run and hide when I shine the light on them. They are also very large adult amphipods. I have had these frags for quite a long time and haven't added any new amphipods in ove a year. Any ideas as to why these adults have started doing this? Has anyone found a way to stop these amphipods from doing this?
Wrasses. ( Yellow Coris, 6line, Green SeaGrass wrasse ) are great predators. You can place your left over Z's and P's up high on frag holders away from the main rocks. Amphipods don't like to venture way far from the main rocks of fear of predation. Thats what I did to get my prized pieces getting chomped on by amphipods and added a bunch of wrasses.

IF you can't put those fish in most radical is interceptor, it'll wipe out inverts in the tank so you would have to take out all the good inverts you don't want killed by interceptor.