New member
Clean setup!
Thank you. You joined in 08 and only have a few posts? I guess I should feel honored to have you come out of hiding to comment on my tank. :dance:
Clean setup!
Nice tank, I,m in the process of setting up a 265 gallon tank. Lot of information in your thread. Thanks keepum commin
Nice toys!
The black bottom looks good. I did black sand in my 225 and it has the same symptoms as yours. Tanks looks good with the inhabitants.
The tank is looking good,
Keep up the good work!
I love the look of black sand. I wanted the tank to be as easy to clean as possible. That meant going barebottom and being able to see everything that needed cleaned out. Only problem is, I am extremely OCD and now I can see every flake that is on the bottom of the tank. I am worried that I will spend three hours a day siphoning the bottom. Or investing in four mp40s to go along the back wall to ensure that nothing is able to settle on the bottom of the tank. :spin1:
Smyrna is a nice area with amazing growth. Every year we cut down our Christmas tree at a tree farm near there just off 840. Love the tradition! BTW how do you like the SRO 5000?
You might want to try Tunzes. More flow and least expensive.