SUPPOReefer's 280g Starphire Build (AKA: The Home Wrecker)

Nice tank, I,m in the process of setting up a 265 gallon tank. Lot of information in your thread. Thanks keepum commin
Nice tank, I,m in the process of setting up a 265 gallon tank. Lot of information in your thread. Thanks keepum commin

No real update for today. I replaced the bulkhead after getting home from work early. Going to take the wife out for a date tonight, so no more time for the tank tonight. Saltwater starts going in tomorrow.
Well, the wife came home from work exhausted and said she didn't want to go out (I was a good husband and tried). Soooooo... that gave me time to conduct my last leak test. Happy to say after an hour of running, there is not a drip anywhere. :dance: :dance: :dance:
Haven't updated in awhile. Started the tank cycling a week ago. While I was out of town I told the wife to change the filter sock on my 90gal every day and put the dirty sock in the new tank. I also moved around 20 pounds of established live rock from my 90 and 20 pounds of rock rubble from a ghost shrimp tank we had set up. Came home and ammonia and nitrite are reading 0 nitrate reading 2. I have to work all day tomorrow but want to detest on Tuesday. Is it possible to have a tank completely cycle in a week with only 10% established rock?
If you had no bio load, what little death you had might have done it. I would conduct an ammonia chloride test and if it disappears in 24 hours then your cycle will be complete.
Tank is done cycling but I am going to wait until after Christmas to break down the 90 and my wife's 65 and move all livestock over.
On a side note, my wife decided to get me some toys for the tank (bio pellet reactor, ORP probe, carbon, filter socks) so I went and bought myself the other toys I wanted for Christmas. I can't wait to learn how to use it

Alright, I have been neglecting the thread. I have been too busy working on the tank and entertaining guests. So anyways, here comes the mother of all updates:

Closed loop:

So I played around with having two eductors on one end and three on the other to figure out which I wanted to go with:

Please ignore the filter socks, the pics were taken while I was cycling the tank


In the end, I loved the flow that three eductors provided, but, to make it easier to hide, I went with two. Still around 8,000 gph.

In order to make them blend better, I gave each return a few coats of Krylon Fusion


In order to keep my sump as clutter free as possible, I built a manifold that goes inline with my skimmer feed to provide flow to reactors

They are quite lengthy due to the number of adapters needed. Composed of 1" tees, 1" to 1/2" bushings, 1/2" FPT to 1/2" John Guest adapter, and finaly 1/2" John Guest to 3/8" John Guest adapter



Livestock move:
Since the tank has been cycled for awhile, we decided to go ahead and break down my wifes tank and move her coral and fishies over.

My wife's Zoa Island:

Softie Island #2

Right side:

Left Side:

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Pics of some of the first residents (I really like how the fish stand out against the black bottom)



Greatest thing about a bare bottom tank: I can see every bit of detrius/ food that needs to be siphoned.
Worst thing about a bare bottom tank: I can see every bit of detrius/ food that needs to be siphoned.

I will be moving my tank over next Saturday/Sunday I will be taking a few pieces of rock from my tank and will use those to completely cover the closed loop return.

That is it for now. Hope you enjoy.
The black bottom looks good. I did black sand in my 225 and it has the same symptoms as yours. Tanks looks good with the inhabitants.
The black bottom looks good. I did black sand in my 225 and it has the same symptoms as yours. Tanks looks good with the inhabitants.

I love the look of black sand. I wanted the tank to be as easy to clean as possible. That meant going barebottom and being able to see everything that needed cleaned out. Only problem is, I am extremely OCD and now I can see every flake that is on the bottom of the tank. I am worried that I will spend three hours a day siphoning the bottom. Or investing in four mp40s to go along the back wall to ensure that nothing is able to settle on the bottom of the tank. :spin1:
I love the look of black sand. I wanted the tank to be as easy to clean as possible. That meant going barebottom and being able to see everything that needed cleaned out. Only problem is, I am extremely OCD and now I can see every flake that is on the bottom of the tank. I am worried that I will spend three hours a day siphoning the bottom. Or investing in four mp40s to go along the back wall to ensure that nothing is able to settle on the bottom of the tank. :spin1:

You might want to try Tunzes. More flow and least expensive.
Smyrna is a nice area with amazing growth. Every year we cut down our Christmas tree at a tree farm near there just off 840. Love the tradition! BTW how do you like the SRO 5000?
Smyrna is a nice area with amazing growth. Every year we cut down our Christmas tree at a tree farm near there just off 840. Love the tradition! BTW how do you like the SRO 5000?

I love it. I was worried that it would be too much skimmer for me since it is rated up to 700 gallons, but it produces a nice thick foam with only half of the livestock moved over.