I am bit confused...... i am Metal Halide guy.... It is very difficult for me to jump from MH to LEDs or T5.... but let see.
I have posted one another thread on Reef Two Reef and RC. see what the guys commenting about LEDs.
Quote 1:
Personally I have decided on LED for my tank, it is 36x24x22. As for PAR, you will have more then enough PAR to work with in certain areas of the tank, leaving you options for lower light areas in the tank.
I am planning on selective lighting. I will have areas in the tank for Light soaking creatures, and areas for Chalice corals as well. I am thinking either 2 AI Sol units or a Single Ecotech Radion to start with.
Quote 2:
I'd go and did go with AI Sol's super Blue. 2 of them. Tank dim are 40/26/26. I have more than enough light for a mostly sps tank. I have acros on the bottom that are growing and looking great.
Yesterday I found E-shine Cree Lighting system. I consider these LEDs are better in the market.
What you say????
Sallam Jilani,
Why fix when something isn't broke! Most of us here in the UK and North America are moving towards LEDs due to ever increasing high energy costs and few other reasons. From my understanding energy costs are comparatively quite low when compared to the UK and if I was you then I would just stick with MH and trust me I am pro LED man and have heavily invested my money and time in this new technology. If you are looking to have better control and wish to lit your tank to meet and suit your coral needs then I would highly recommend Illumina LED light from Vertex.
All the best