T.Maxima HELP


New member
I have a T. Maxima for 2 years it has grown like a weed and has always been very happy attached to his rock. This morning I woke to find him detached from his purch and lieing on the bottom of the tank with a slime trail spueing from his rock where he has been attched to,to where he lies now. His Byassl oval is quite large and has a small rock lodged in there.Why could it
have detached its threads? I put him back where he was. I also found blue hermitts cleaning the rock where it was attached. Could they have disturb this large clam and caused him to detach? Is the clams oval supposed to be a whole in the clam evn when the clam is closed? Please help with any info or web info!
First, please do a search on maxima clams. reading the posts that come up on that search will answer most of your questions.

A clam letting go of its attachment is not necessarily a sign of disaster, but I would be worried if a clam detached itself after 2 years. placing the clam back where it was was a good move. The slime on the bottom of the clam and on the rock where the clam was is just byssal secretions.

I'm not sure what you mean by the "oval," so I cannot address that.

I would look the clam over very closely for parasites. Has the clam lost color lately or opened less? Have there been any changes in the tank? Have you neglected maintenance? These things are possible causes for disturbed clams, among other things.

Do a search and let us know what happens.
T Maxima help Update

T Maxima help Update

The Clam is resting back in his original spot and opened back up today quite nicely after his detachment. He has not lost his color recently or been acting stange at all.As far as parisites what should I look for. The oval I refer to is the bottom of the clam where itrested and secretes it threads. There seems to be an oval opening there with soft tissue. The slime it spued definatly disturbed the mushroom anenomes it came in contact with. I just went to check out the clam, it has moved a little bit and not to my liking but I hate to keep moving it around for not to stess it anymore than I have to. This not the only clam in my tank but it is the best one this whole thing really bums me out. So do I move him , he is not facing up into the light as much as i would like to see him. Is it better to adjust him at night when he is not opened as far?Thank you for your help and concern.