Tang dosent like food?


New member
Alright so i got some "Seaweed Salad", green marine algae for my yellow tang and he hasnt touched it.. This is the second peice i have put there.. I know he see's it cause he swims right by it a millions times yet he dosent even pick at it? However i have seen him nip at some of the remaining hair algea on the back wall of the tank and on the rocks. Maybe he's to full for the food or too new? Or maybe i just got a retarded tang..any thoughts?
I'm not sure what seaweed salad is but it may be foreign to the tang. My tang would not eat red algae at first but I mixed it in wth nori and now he eats both like a pig. He picks the rocks all day but if I drop a sheet in he is on it in a second. Try attaching it to a rock with a rubber band. You say he picks at the rocks he may be more receptive to it being on a rock. Also if he does not eat it in a day or 2, remove it.
Yeah, it he doesn't eat it within a day, yo should really yank it out. Try what Al said with the rock and rubberband. I had to start mine that way, now he'll eat it out of your hand.
Yeah, it he doesn't eat it within a day, yo should really yank it out. Try what Al said with the rock and rubberband. I had to start mine that way, now he'll eat it out of your hand.
Well, if Tang is munching on the hair algae, say thanks, he is just doing his job. don't complain or spoil him. thats why we put tangs in the tank,,,, to eat algea that's growing. not sushi wrap. besides, mine are already spoiled on meat. they like frozen brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, plankton or other things meaty. but in between meals, they constantly snack on the green stuff growing in the tank. earning their keep.