New member
Hello everybody, I have a 120 gallon FOWLR aquarium. Some of my live rock and parts of the acrylic have been getting covered in green algae and I am looking for a fish which would help get rid of the algae. The algae isn't a major problem (fish are healthy, low nitrates and phosphates), but I would still like to have fish which can control the algae. I tried various inverts, but my Ornate Wrasse goes after them as soon as they get in the tank and none of them have lasted more than a few days without being eaten. I have started looking at some Tangs, but most of them would be too large for my tank. What fish can help with the algae and not outgrow my aquarium? Thanks.
1) Tahitain Butterfly Fish
2) Juvenile Ornate Wrasse
3) Juvenile Harlequin Tusk
4) Coral Beauty Angelfish
5) Diamond Goby
1) Tahitain Butterfly Fish
2) Juvenile Ornate Wrasse
3) Juvenile Harlequin Tusk
4) Coral Beauty Angelfish
5) Diamond Goby