Tank breakdown

Wednesday is good or today as long as we are wrapped up by 8pm. But i'm off all day tomorrow and bretts going to come over in the morning (9am)and take stuff... so I'd get here first :)
Hey, thanks again Don! Everything seems to be doing well! those orange zoos opened right up. In fact, pretty much everything opened up right away. Water change this week sometime...everything should do even better after that!
Good to go! Pictures man!~! Brett is coming in the morning to get pretty much everything else. Might be some odds and ends left over. Do you guys still have that live rock container?
All the live rock is gone... most to the ocean and a bit to suppliment brett's tank. I'll make him take Pictures. I will be putting things up for sale on here/japan update shortly.
I got them.. =)

yep im back.. shhhh =P

I'll post pics up later.. tank looks a 100 times better. now I just cant wait to get that hawaiien yellow tang I ordered in. hopefully it can take care of my little aleage problem. going to hook up my canister filter with charcoal in it and hopefully that will help with the brown crap thats floating around my tank..
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9355333#post9355333 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jeffb3t
Welcome departed... I hope you are taking my advice and dripping Kalk to assist with the algae problem.

ahhh no.. :( how does it assist with getting rid of the algae?? and when you going to come over?? :D
my tang keeps my tank 100% prim and proper. If the tangs dont get it, the snails come right behind him.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9355450#post9355450 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TheDeparted
ahhh no.. :( how does it assist with getting rid of the algae?? and when you going to come over?? :D

Not sure how it does it but it seems to work. My algae came back after I stopped dosing. Doesn't matter since it will get broken down soon to make room for the new tank. Yeah, we really need to get together. It's been a long time. You still off Sats?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9364577#post9364577 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Donstuprich
Your algae take hold of my rock yet?

not the algae.. but that other "film" that I could blow off started to.. but the charcoal canister that I hooked up today seems to be helping get rid of that. should be able to tell in a few days if its really helping or not. Figure the huge clean up crew I have now should be able to keep the algae at bay till the tang gets here..