Tank got to 86.7 today...


New member
What do you guys think will happen? It's a 10g Nuvo Fusion with lots of SPS: acros, montis, seriatopora, etc. Started at 80 this morning.

What do you guys think will happen? It's a 10g Nuvo Fusion with lots of SPS: acros, montis, seriatopora, etc. Started at 80 this morning.

You'll be ok, had my heater fry a couple months ago and got up close to 90. Lot of unhappy corals, but only lost a frogspawn.
I would just run carbon and watch it if you have any leathers that could release toxins from being stressed. Good luck [emoji106]
WOW! That's scary. I think it will come down to how healthy your corals are. Any that are not doing well might not make it. Healthy corals seem to be more forgiving.
I had a bad test mag test kit that was showing low mag. I kept dosing and my numbers came up but very slowly. When I realized the test kit was bad I lost a birdsnest that had been very healthy but all my other higher end SPS are fine "Thank god"
Point is some corals deal better with issues then others.

What are you doing to keep temps down/stable now?
So... everything is looking fine. I will admit, this post was a bit of a troll. The tank regularly swings from 80-84, with 85 sprinkled in. I definitely don't like to let it get much past 85, if only because it doesn't do it often enough.
What are you doing to get those kind of swings? Is it in a window?
I had a 2.5gal that didn't swing that much
It's in the garage �� I don't have a chiller, so a fan pointed at the tank keeps it much cooler than the garage anyway. I usually have it close to the tank but moved it since it was raining so much and the temps were lower outside. I did get an alert but I left my phone downstairs so I didn't see it right away.