Tank is up & running! 150g Reef

well... i just finished setting up the sump/fuge ... been working on it since ~ 4pm ... flooded my garage once ... damn near lost the return pump ... ran out of parts 10 minutes till 8pm - made it to lowes 5 minutes after closing time ... :-/ ... tomorrow i will have to re plumb the line going to the skimmer

but NO leaks! ::knocking on wood/acrylic::

tomorrow the rest of my lights will be here .... not sure if i'll get a chance to install them yet ... maybe one ballast till its done ( 3/3/2) - would be easier on the livestock?

we picked up a purple serpent star, 11 more pyramid snails, 5 red hermit crabs, 10 scarlett crabs & a blood shrimp ... sometime in the next week or so we will probably start with a fish.

i just noticed i have some aiptasia growing ...
Nice Tank

Nice Tank

Hey Wizmaster, Nice Tank!! I have a Queen Angel lookin for a nice home if your interested...

I noticed your WWW. goes to StormReadyBuilders. You Need a Concrete Contractor??? :smokin:
It's been kind of slow over here in the Cape...

Where did you get your LR?? Looks nice.

Here is my Angel:

yes, the rock came from an existing system - pmike25 (sp?) from new port richey tore down his 180g .... i picked up all of his rock, and most of his sand & water ...

Should have read all of the Post's before opening my mouth...
What's the deal with the queen angel?
Why do you want him gone?
Trade him for a blue damsel?! Lol

Tonight we added a blue tang, a copperband butterfly, and 3 peppermint shrimp.

Protein skimmer is plumbed as well ... Need to 'tune' it though
since late last night the tank has been cloudy .. :-( ... maybe the protein skimmer ... not sure. i don't think they are micro bubbles ... even put a sock over the drain going into the sump.

did some water tests this AM ...

Salinity = 1.025
PH = 8.46 (on AquaController w/ lab grade probe)
PH = ~7.7 - 8.0 (on Tetratest PH)
Amonia (NH3/NH4+) = 0/IDEAL (Jungle Lab Corp - Quick Dip test)
Nitrite = <0.3mg/l (Tetratest NO2)

does anybody have the Tetra Test kit w/ NH3 ? i borrowed this one from 'lisaFL' - & the color chart for NH3 is missing .. my test read the color just a tad bit lighter than the N)2 yellow (,0.3 mg/l) ... what does that read on the color chart?


Hahaha Marco! I'm not getting rid of my blue damsel.
Unless............. i get a bigger tank. Mom would never approve.
Oops.... sorry i had that one laying next to my tank.
I just used it last week. I'll give it to mom to give to you.
i have all 6 of the 80w t5's installed ... and extended the wireing harness ... PITA.
the tank is cloudy ... realllllly cloudy. has a greenish cloudy look ... not sure whats going on ... yesterday morning most of the parameters i tested for were good .... so i think.

one of the 54w 4ft bulbs came with a defect, the other 54w i busted by dropping the canopy on it :-/ ... already re-ordered ... doubt they will make it here this week.

defective ATI bulb.

i got the 6 x 80w done, hacked up the wireing harness, and popped the canopy back up on the tank tonight ... here is what it looks like now ..... did i mention it was cloudy? :-(



i'm guessing that the extra ... 70-90gallons i added on sunday didn't do the tank so good?!
when the lights are off, the water looks green/yellowish ..... any ideas?
and this AM the tank is NOT cloudy anymore ... lol.
i ran my reverse plumbed protein skimmer, and the red sea berlin as well ... both pulled out a decent amount of nasties ... even though none was really brown ... more like funny milky looking water ...
ist all replumbed now ... it seems to run a little more stable ... none of the yo-yo effect with the water level going up & down ... and its making some clear/milky looking skimate - none of this brown stuff everybody else has ... weird ... i hooked a light to the fuge ... i saw a fe things moving around ... just couldn't catch what that was ... must have come in the bags of livesand.

yesterday i added 60lbs of livesand to the fuge, and a small bit of chaeto macro algae ... if this stuff grows like crazy i'll be trimming it .. if someone needs some for their fuge?
Hey Wiz, I'll take some of that Cheato. I'll be in south Ft. Myers (The Forest) pouring a slab. Give me a call and I'll pick some up (Sent phone# in PM)

so far it hasn't grown any yet .... but if it will, i will post it up for 'frag' ... until then ... talk to rich @ boardroom - he said he has a bunch of it @ home.

where in the forest? we are building 3 houses in the forest right now (timberlakes, panther paw & forest oaks)