Tank move is complete

My heart just about stopped when I saw that beauty....keep us posted...I am waiting to see more pics as you go...thanks
Holy Schnikes Man!!!!
A 750 gallon aquarium????????!!!! Looks sharp Alberto.....cant wait to see updates!
Thanks guys. It will take some time before it is wet. It will also take many months before it looks like much of anything since I am going to do 100% frags.

I appreciate the comments.
Alberto,congratulations on the new monster tank. I am glad to hear that all went well with the tank construction and move.I think that the dimensions are perfect.If I ever move up from my 450; that would be the size for me.The 4' front to back is awesome. Best of luck with all.
WOW that is unreal!
This will be fun to watch grow.
The closed loop is just on 1 side?
I assume that this tank will be viewed from both sides.
What will you use for circulation at the far end?
Nice tank probably feels nice having sitting on it's stand. moving big things like thay sure go alot easier when you have right equiptment.
Have fun w/ it:)
Thanks so much for the comments. The flow in the tank will 4 sources and 2 actuated ball valves. It just happens all intakes are in one end.

This will take a while to get finished. Lots of work ahead.

You might not believe it, but the first thing I thought when I saw it pull up was: I should ahve gone 12'x5'x30" instead of the 10'x4'x30" I went with. However, this is and will more than plenty. I know nothing is permanent in life, so I am building this with the far and remote idea that I may ahve to move it at some point in the future. If I do, 10' long will fit in just about any house while 12' would be a challenge to say the least.
what else do you ahve in addition to your girlsfriend? Do you ahve some good frags? LOL...............
wow man! Very impressive! News gets around, You have a large group of reefheads up in Western New York drooling up here!

Good luck, and hope it turns out as amazing as I think it will be.
MagnusApollo said:
wow man! Very impressive! News gets around, You have a large group of reefheads up in Western New York drooling up here!

Good luck, and hope it turns out as amazing as I think it will be.

Now, if this is not the most flattering thing I have heard so far (sorry mane, I know your acanthastreas are pretty hot and all:D :lol: ), then I don't know what is. Thank you sp much.

Looks like it is going to be great.

Is it going to be veiwable from the end near the stairs? What about the back side?