Tank move is complete


Great looking tank and you wanted to go bigger????. I must ask with a tank that size how thick is the glass? Are the side and front/rear panels placed ontop of the bottom panel or is the bottom panel slightly raised off the bottom?

Oceangirl said:

Great looking tank and you wanted to go bigger????

Bigger IS always better :lol: :lol: :lol: 12' long x 5' wide would have been the ultimate. Going wider than 5" would make it impossible for me with short arms to get to the middle 1' from either of the long sides. 36" tall would have been nice too, but given I intend to keep SPS only, it would have meant 1000 watt halides and 1' thick glass. Neither one was worth the extra 6" really.

Oceangirl said:
I must ask with a tank that size how thick is the glass?

3/4" all around.

Oceangirl said:
Are the side and front/rear panels placed ontop of the bottom panel or is the bottom panel slightly raised off the bottom?

All the sides are sitting on top of the bottom pane. The bottom pane also has a small trip of glass silicones to the joint between the side and bottom panels all around. Same on top with corner braces on the inside and eurobrace. No cross braces on the top at all.