Tank of the Month - December 2005

Outstanding! The aquascaping in particular is brilliant; the aquarium looks much wider side-to-side than 210 cm. The overall look is open and interresting in all three axes. Thanks for taking the time to write up an article on it for the tank of the month.
I love the placement in the wall! I think that set up is great, with the side exposed. Love it. Beautiful tank.
Pues muy bonito, sobre todo lo que rodea al acuario, pero más que acuario del mes, parece una venta de productos en general...... , en fin, para eso él es vendedor.....

Lo dicho, es una pena que siempre meta publicidad encubierta o directamente de sus productos y/o qué haceres.

Un saludo

Francisco Arrabal
Amazing tank, I dont think anyone asked this yet...but how large is your tank in gallons?

I think it's about 250 gallons, actually slightly over.

What are the 3 units (picture next to the MH photo) That look like CPUs? ACLG

That is a newer kind of ballast that is very expensive (around $800) and very cool. They try and mimic the brightness patterns of the sun. Meaning, they don't start out at full power. They might be at 20% for some time, then 40% etc. (sunrise) Then they work their way up to 100%, after that, they gradually lessen in intensity as well to mimic the setting sun. They will also mimic cloudy days (only power to 70%) every once in a while. If you program them for that.

Muchas Felicidades Devil, tenia un buen de tiempo sin ver fotos de tu acuario y ahora me encuentro con esta sorpresa, woww....


Carlos Arias
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6231663#post6231663 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by parshmar
I think it's about 250 gallons, actually slightly over.

That is a newer kind of ballast that is very expensive (around $800) and very cool. They try and mimic the brightness patterns of the sun. Meaning, they don't start out at full power. They might be at 20% for some time, then 40% etc. (sunrise) Then they work their way up to 100%, after that, they gradually lessen in intensity as well to mimic the setting sun. They will also mimic cloudy days (only power to 70%) every once in a while. If you program them for that.

290.6 gals to be more accurate. (multiply # liters by .26417)

Excellent setup, very nice equipment as well!
i like the idea of u positioning ur tank

very well planned i would say ... just want i had in mind for my future upgrade :) simple yet stunning

well done
Where can we get these fans that are in the pic? anybody know?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6231663#post6231663 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by parshmar
I think it's about 250 gallons, actually slightly over.

That is a newer kind of ballast that is very expensive (around $800) and very cool. They try and mimic the brightness patterns of the sun. Meaning, they don't start out at full power. They might be at 20% for some time, then 40% etc. (sunrise) Then they work their way up to 100%, after that, they gradually lessen in intensity as well to mimic the setting sun. They will also mimic cloudy days (only power to 70%) every once in a while. If you program them for that.

Here is a link:sfiligoi
Hi Ramón:

Like other spanish people who loves this amazing hobby, I think this is a great moment for you and for all that have the pleasure to share your time.

Congratulations and hold in this line, please.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6230931#post6230931 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Wooden Nickel
Amazing tank, I dont think anyone asked this yet...but how large is your tank in gallons?

The conversion is 3.79 liters per gallon. This makes the main tank 290 gallons, and the overall capacity 395 gallons. Wow, what a beautiful tank it is!
Many thanks to all!! In special to Skipper for all the really good job that do until now.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6225813#post6225813 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by LobsterOfJustice
I agree, nice tank.

I'd like some more information on the "SFILIGOI ACLS"... recreating the natural photoperiod sound kind of neat... but I think I saw a picture of these things in the article and they looked quite expensive.

Also, what is the larger box up top in this picture? Is that part of the controller?

About the Sfiligoi, that's true, it made the natural photo-period, but really do much more things, indeed moonlight period too.

here you have a link : http://www.sfiligoi.it/caratt_acls_en.htm

About the large box, is a normal electrical box, and inside I put the drivers and the ac/adapters of the the Tunze pumps, and like this become more ordered and beautiful.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6226560#post6226560 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cheeks69
Muitos parabens dum vizinho Portugues :D [/B]

Muito obrigado!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6228827#post6228827 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jamesurq
Very very nice. One comment if I may:

When you refer to aquacultured SPS are you referring to wild aquacultured or captive? I have found the exact opposite in my case. Perhaps without all of the nutrient reducing methods, the aquacultured corals are more at home in my tank than the wild ones that came from pristine waters?

Indeed, from I use the Zeovit system,corals grow up more fast, but... I was using this system from 5 months ago, before, I really feel more slow growing with the aqua-cultured corals.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6230437#post6230437 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kysmith
I find this to be interesting as well for I have always seen/heard the opposite.

Lots of aqua-cultured corals that we receive have been grown with forced systems (electrical), when they arrive to our tanks, usually needs some months to reaction, indeed, this is my experience.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6230513#post6230513 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Konadog
I have a question about this comment:
"This led me to build an aquascape based on three elements: a reef on the left, an island in the center and a bar on the far right."
Are the structures just stacked rock, or is it held together by other means?

Not, just is stacked to the rock ;)

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6230931#post6230931 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Wooden Nickel
Amazing tank, I dont think anyone asked this yet...but how large is your tank in gallons?

Tank: Glass, 18 mm thick 210 x 70 x 75 cm=1100 liters / 290,59 US Gallons
Overflow: 25 x 60 x 75 cm = 110 liters / 29,06 US Gallons
Sump: 90 x 60 x 40 cm = 100 liters (50%) / 26,42 US Gallons
Refugium: 80 x 40 x 58 cm = 185 liters / 48,87 US Gallons

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6231300#post6231300 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Francisco Arrabal
Pues muy bonito, sobre todo lo que rodea al acuario, pero más que acuario del mes, parece una venta de productos en general...... , en fin, para eso él es vendedor.....

Lo dicho, es una pena que siempre meta publicidad encubierta o directamente de sus productos y/o qué haceres.

Un saludo

Francisco Arrabal

When we value an aquarium, is so important what have around the aquarium and the aquarium in fact, I really like the ad's. ;)

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6231490#post6231490 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Hobster
Beautiful tank!
What are the 3 units (picture next to the MH photo) That look like CPUs? ACLG ??

Is the ACLS, you're right :)

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6234444#post6234444 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bebo77
Where can we get these fans that are in the pic? anybody know?

Ups... hehehe... Is Chinese manufacturer, low quality, the true is that I already take off ;) :D

Many thanks for all again... and for the spanish people... muchas gracias a todos por vuestro soporte!!
Stupendous aquarium hopes the invitation continued in foot of go to visit him, personally I would like to see a little but the evolution of those animals since is not appreciated very well between the principle of the assembly and the final result that without a doubt is stupendous.