Tank pictures... looking for suggestions/critque


New member
I haven't taken many pictures of tanks. Looking for some suggestions to improve my technique.

I used the following equipment
Canon T2i
Canon 100mm 2.8L Macro
Tripod w/ballhead

Pretty much all the pictures were shot at F8 and ISO 200, but the pictures of fish use different settings and were hand held.

All shots were taken in RAW and converted to jpegs without any processing except adding the watermark.

The glass was not cleaned before the shoot, and the powerheads were still running. So those two things can be improved on next time.
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Here are some samples





I love almost all of them. The only one i really have a problem with is #16 because of the frag rack but that isn't to bad.
I like what I see but there seems to be some gnarly chromatic abrasion on the last to (the DEEP blue). Though, maybe it is supposed to be that way?
They look really cool. I like them all. I think if I were to try anything different I would increase the shutter speed a little bit and increase the ISO to about 400 instead of 200. That would give you double your shutter speed to about 1/30th. I still think thats a bit low. The pictures are not blurry but who knows, they may look even sharper. And like you said, maybe shutting off the flow and elbow grease to the glass.
The last three seem to share an issue with excess blue (as TS pointed out) and not the excessive blue that comes from poor white balance. Overexposed / blown there maybe?

Overall very nice. Good job generally avoiding center composition.

I like #10.
Yeah I had trouble not overexposing some of the shots. I guess I need to find a more suitable subject or meter a different part of the coral. There did not seem to be a whole lot I could do since I properly exposed the area I was focusing on. I definatly need more experience with tanks and tank lighting.
love that lense

love that lense

you have my lense lol man i need to get mine..what software did you use for the watermark?