Tank teardown, Real Reef live rock for sale

I am getting out of the hobby, so I have some Real Reef live rock for sale from my BioCube 29. This tank did have dinoflagellates, so be aware of that. This specific species that I was fighting disappeared when I forced a hair algae bloom, so if you have a tank with a lot of algae and Tangs that eat it up, I don't think you will have any issues. I imagine a algae turf scrubber will also solve the problem.

You will receive some coral hitchhikers when you buy this rock. Roughly 20 - 30 green ORA zoanthids and a green polyp toadstool coral. The Toadstool coral was cut free from the rock today, the base is still attached so a new one will grow from that spot in no time.

19.2 lbs for $60, there are three large chunks of rock each roughly the size of a football. Here's the tank the day I set it up for an idea of how the rock looks.

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I'll take $50 if someone comes and gets it soon, have a lot of stuff to sell but rock has to go first. Use it as LR or dry it out and go the dry rock route.
Last chance if anyone is on the fence, once I get home tomorrow I will be pulling it out of the tank and drying it out to sell as dry rock at a later date.