Tank without refugium

Rainer Feyer

Premium Member
Having had a very clean tank with a minimum of 20% water change every 2 weeks to 15% every week, I have recently had some problems with long hair algae; first the red stuff, then the green.

Have had great success with Turbo snails and Sea Hares, but still was baffeled why the snails are needed.

So, a few weeks ago I decided to take the 55g refugium off of the 75g tank, replaced the fuge with a 10g tank (enough to hold my PS), and, voila: Great improvement!


the refugium was about the same age as the tank, almost, and did have sand in it which I believe was the problem - too much sand, not enough water motion.
The 10g has no sand at all - when I do a water change, I suck up the mug from the bottom, all is well. I kind of like it!
I've had similar problems in the past. About the 3-4 year mark, I think the sand has done what it can do and become counter productive. I wonder if a person were to setup a refugium with sand in two separate compartments and alternately replace the sand every 2-3 years would have better results.
Yes but, I don't like the bare bottom look. Maybe epoxy a thin layer of aragonite on the bottom to keep the sand look and have the benefit of the sand in the sump.

good point!

I remember Jaze doing some really nice stuff with styrofoam - he cut/ burned it into rock shape then I believe he covered it with aroagonite, but as wall formation.

Maybe the same principal could be used with the bottom?

I agree with you - it looks nice to have some sand on the bottom, what would I do if I couldn't see an ocational sand storm? :)