tank's not looking too good.

Joe, Let me know if you want me to hold some stuff, Johnsteph10 finally took his clams and large brain coral out of my prop tank so there is room to house some stuff:).

You should have posted in LIRA's forum, I have a spare full CO2 tank you can use. Let me know what else you need help with..
Really sorry to hear about your problems, Joe. Let me guess: This weariness in regards to maintenence began once the tank was 'full' and there was nothing urgent left to do, right? If so, I'm fighting the same thing right now. It's as if we NEED something chaotic to address or there's no more fun in maintaining the darn thing. Then maybe it's just me.

Well, when the time comes, let me know if you need any frags. At least, that'll give me SOME reason to put my hands in the tank every now and then. ;) Best of luck to you.
Joe, it's all been said by many in lots of posts. Your tank has inspired many of us to jump from softies/LPS to the beautiful colored sticks we've seen you so masterfully propagate.

Your epertise along with the support of everyone here and especially those close to you in LIRA will guide you back to your elite status.

Everything happens for a reason. You've probably just made room for some of those other colored sticks you've admired somewhere. Chin up, chest out and fight man fight.

I know you'll succeed.
Good luck Joe,
This may have already been said, but if your reactor becomes non-functional for any reason, you MUST continue to supply Ca and alk by whatever means necessary. The homemade calcium and alk stuff made with just calcium chloride and baking soda will work in the short term for just about any tank. ANYTHING, IMO is better than allowing the alk/Ca to drift too low.
Hey Guys,

Here is an update.

daily water changes and supplementing some magnesium to bring up the levels. This morning, I measured alk at 9 dkh, ca at 400, mg at 1200. So that looks to be a vast improvement over a few days ago. Not sure if I brought the magnesium up to fast. I was planning on bring it up over a few more days to that level, but I guess the water changes coupled with added the magnesium brought my levels up faster than I though.

So far, things look to be doing ok, meaning they are still holding on, recession is just a little bit from where it was a few days ago. No RTN for the last few days. But I did loose a few pieces, including a huge green millepora, my White mille and my pink mille. The white mille is about 90% gone but a few branches are still there so there is some hope for it.

Pierce, You've seen my tank, most of my stuff is so heavily encrusted I thing I might do more damage trying to get it out. Thanks for the offer for help, I'll let you know if things take a turn and I need it.

64Ivy Yeah, that's about it. My tank has been full for a some time. Even though I have been very busy in the past, I was always able to find the time to get my tank chores done. I think your right that the tank is less fun when there is nothing to do but watch it. It's not just you buddy.

masterswimmer Yeah in a sick way, I told my wife, that at least if nothing else, I'll have room in the tank for frags after this is all said and done. ;)

Greg, yeah, when I noticed the reactor was done, I started to use buffer and turbo calc to keep the levels up. I just didn't except my parameters to be that off when I first tested.

So once again, thanks for all the kind words of encouragement guys. I'm going to lay off water changes for the next day or two and see how the tank looks in two days.
Joe, have you taken clippings of the milli's that are nearly done? I'd take a frag or two from the healthy areas as insurance.

Good luck!
Joe - I just read the entire thread and I am stunned.

If you need anything at all, whether it be frags or just another set of hands to help with maintenance let me know.

Also, I completely understand the comments about the hobby not being as satysfying when we are not doing maintenance.

Good luck, and keep us posted.
by JB NY
I did loose a few pieces, including a huge green millepora, my White mille and my pink mille. The white mille is about 90% gone but a few branches are still there so there is some hope for it.

Joe, remember I got those from you a few months ago? Let me know when your tank bounces back and I will deliver them back to you.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6323386#post6323386 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cali_reef
Joe, remember I got those from you a few months ago? Let me know when your tank bounces back and I will deliver them back to you.

I couldn't remember if you had those one. Cool deal, now I'm not as worried about those corals. I couldn't remebr who had pieces of those who were local.

JazzManThanks Buddy. I'll see how it goes in the next few months.

Tank reading from this morning.

Ca: 450
mg: 1320
Alk: 10.6 dkh

Hey Joe good luck with everything. It sux that you're having problems. I'm sure it will work out for you though.
Joe, I hadn't popped on here in a while but i saw this thread and my heart sank. I hope everything is going better for ya, if anyone can pick a tank back up its you.
Ill be pulling for ya.
Happy holidays buddy and everyone.

I have some tips that receded, that cold be result of bring the magnesium up too quickly. Nothing too terrible. No real major recession since last week. I did lose the white mille though. The rest of the acros look much better, last night I noticed that the coloration looked very good compared to what it was a week ago. Nothing had browned out on me, but many of the acros now have a deeper more healthy look than they did before.