Hey Guys,
Here is an update.
daily water changes and supplementing some magnesium to bring up the levels. This morning, I measured alk at 9 dkh, ca at 400, mg at 1200. So that looks to be a vast improvement over a few days ago. Not sure if I brought the magnesium up to fast. I was planning on bring it up over a few more days to that level, but I guess the water changes coupled with added the magnesium brought my levels up faster than I though.
So far, things look to be doing ok, meaning they are still holding on, recession is just a little bit from where it was a few days ago. No RTN for the last few days. But I did loose a few pieces, including a huge green millepora, my White mille and my pink mille. The white mille is about 90% gone but a few branches are still there so there is some hope for it.
Pierce, You've seen my tank, most of my stuff is so heavily encrusted I thing I might do more damage trying to get it out. Thanks for the offer for help, I'll let you know if things take a turn and I need it.
64Ivy Yeah, that's about it. My tank has been full for a some time. Even though I have been very busy in the past, I was always able to find the time to get my tank chores done. I think your right that the tank is less fun when there is nothing to do but watch it. It's not just you buddy.
masterswimmer Yeah in a sick way, I told my wife, that at least if nothing else, I'll have room in the tank for frags after this is all said and done.
Greg, yeah, when I noticed the reactor was done, I started to use buffer and turbo calc to keep the levels up. I just didn't except my parameters to be that off when I first tested.
So once again, thanks for all the kind words of encouragement guys. I'm going to lay off water changes for the next day or two and see how the tank looks in two days.