tank's not looking too good.

great to hear! i'm glad that your tank is holding in there and going back the right way! you'll be back in full swing in no time

Hey Joe, Hope the tank is improving. I have a 180 full of stonies, at least one was yours, pink miili. I need to do some major pruning. I can set you up with as many frags as you need. Paybacks for the awesome info you have provided me and others through the years. You can check the tank out in wantagh. I have been running the tank for 9 years with vho lights. You will get a kick out of how well the stonies grow under vho lighting. Happy Holidays Mike
Thanks for the offers guys, I really appreciate them.

Two things that are hurting me right now. That damn red algae everyone has been trying to get rid of. It can really be a pain when you are having acro woes. It seems to grow inside the dead branches and seems to be causing more problems with the acro. I've also got it creeping up the base on a few small frags. Never happened before I had these tank problems. I think it is the overall diminished health of the coral that is letting the algae get the best of it. I wish we knew what eats that stuff.

for info on the algea see this THREAD.

Also I got this weird recession. At random spots on the acros, I get a small pinpoint circle of recession. Not more than 1-2mm across and it doesn't spread but, in the past few days I've seen in on three acros, another this morning. :confused:

Still seeing some tip recession.
Have you introduced any new corals or frags in the last 3 months? If so, I would get them out and blast them with a turkey baster and see if any acro eating flatworms come off.
It sounds like there is some type of chemicial that has gotton into the tank. Maybe some type of cleaner. I know I found my wife using my buck to mix up salt water with to mop the floor :) just a thought.
Sorry to here you are having trouble I am sure you will find the solution.
Joe, stablize all your parameters and you will be ok. I promise you that. Its that easy. Then give it some time.

As for the slime, just keep it in control until you stabilize your corals health.

btw, dont think of it as the Old tank syndrome. Thats only a myth.
Strange recession (I've had it too recently)

Strange recession (I've had it too recently)

Also I got this weird recession. At random spots on the acros, I get a small pinpoint circle of recession. Not more than 1-2mm across and it doesn't spread but, in the past few days I've seen in on three acros, another this morning.

Hey Joe,

I had the exact type of recession recently. Looks like a little "tooth cavity" on a part of the sps. In my case it was in the middle of an table and a spot on a Humilis I have. Little white spot that the tissue has receded. I had two or three sps with this at the same time. Best I can describe it is half the size of a tic-tac LOL.

I'm not sure why this is but I can tell you that I had a few problems with my reactor clogging because of micro bubble buildup in my Geo. This went unnoticed for about a week I'd say, since I work out of town M-F and there is nobody to watch it. Normally my Ca levels were 400 - 410 or so sailferts and Alk 3.8 meq. After the reactor meltdown my CA was 340 and Alk was 3.0. About the same time, maybe shortly afterwards is when I saw this type of recession your talking about.

So I added calc to my top off water and added a little bolus of B-Ionic to the tank 3 or 4 times over a week or two to get things back to where I thought they should be and those spots of recession disapeared over the next week or so after Ca and Alk got back to normal. I havent noticed any other spots lately.

Good Luck JB. I have always admired your tank

Happy Holidays,
Hi Joe ,
I can't believe I just now found this thread . Sorry to hear the problems . I've had a few of my own so I guess thats why I missed this one . Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Happy Holidays Bro,

Joe all your fellow LIRA members are worrying about you. :(

I remember picking apart every single thing you said at NERAC, because your tank was so gorgeous, and I knew I wanted mine to grow up just like it. :)

Dont let this tank fall apart. It's obviously a huge inspiration to a lot of us here.
JB what do you do for work that requires traveling. I see it say IT do you work for a VAR that sends you out all over the place. Good luck with the tank
Sorry for the late reply, I was away most of the time between Christmas and new years visiting family, then came back with a nasty cold.

Tanks doing better, I'll take a full tank shot tonight to show everyone what it looks like now. :)

I have not lost any corals since the last posting. I did do a huge removal of some of the dead corals, man was I shocked by how much I pulled out of the tank. Actually in the long run the tank is probably better off as there is now some room for things to grow a little. Sad but true.

The little spot, here and there, of recession is gone. Just disappeared as quickly as it started. No idea what the deal was with that.

efisher, I work for a large software company. I run the Merger and Acquisition integration for their IT infrastructure, so that keeps me busy. ;)
Pics from tonight.



The open space is from the loss of a huge green millepora

Full tank.

The dead corals I pulled out the other week.