TaNuki's Upgrade to a 180!


New member
I recently purchased a 75 gallon tank and have been setting it up as a reef tank. Not more than 2 weeks ago I found a stellar deal on a 180 in the area and decided that even though my 75 is basically brand new still, I wanted to do the upgrade. I mean how do I pass on a great deal for a 180?

I haven't decided if I want to use any of my existing live rock, water or sand to cycle the tank. I kind of want to start from scratch with fresh RO water, but we will see. Also debating going totally bare bottom as well.

Anyway, here are a few pictures I took of the new tank. I will be bringing it home today!


It does all need a good cleaning too.


Comes with a wet dry filter, timers, lighting (needs upgraded), pumps, skimmer, the works. I am pretty excited.

Updates to come.
I trucked the tank home tonight and cleaned it up. It had a good layer of mud and sand mixed with gravel on the bottom.


We had to cut a few of the lines in order to disconnect them and move the tank, so tomorrow I will:

Replace Lines
Clean Sump
Throw away Bio Balls (Shopping bag full if someone wants em)
Plug everything in
See what is broken and what is working.

I am hoping all goes well!
I cleaned out the wet/dry filter and threw out the bio balls. Put maybe 30 lbs of live rock in where the balls were, but I am going to break some more down and put them in. I am still trying to decide if I want to cut that section of the sump open so I can have lighting and bigger rocks in there, but I may brake the rocks and put them in.

I also redid the plumbing on the tank. Bought new hoses and clamps and went to work. I also plugged in the ballasts and lighting to see what really works vs not.
The Halides warmed up and work fine, but the others seem to not work. I am guessing the bulbs are bad as I am almost positive there is electricity.


I still need to polish the inside of the acrylic, but after that, I am ready to add RO water. I am guessing monday or tuesday.

I got the scratches all sanded and buffed out. I then cleaned out the wet/ dry filter. Threw out all the BIO Balls, and filled that section with LR and Chaeto.

I re plumbed the overflow/ return and put a powerhead in the sump to move the water while I slowly fill the tank.

I also picked up about 200 lbs of live rock for the tank and have added maybe 60 gallons of water now (5 gallon bucket at a time).

My neighbor has been letting me use his RO, though I realize with a tank of this magnitude, I need to just order an RO.

My rock will mostly all be fiji with a few other things as well.

Here it is with maybe 35 gallons of water and the rock:


I am hoping to finish filling the tank with water this weekend, but we'll see what really happens. I started scaping last night, but realized the water wasn't high enough so I Couldn't go as tall as I wanted. So to prevent die off, I just made it all flat again until the tank fills.
While I was in San Diego my friend filled the water for me 5 gallons at a time with his RO unit. I am glad he lives like 5 minutes by foot from my house. I got home late last night, but still made a point of scaping the tank.

Here is what I came up with:

^Thanks. I have a hard time with scaping and always end up changing them. I hope to decide on something permanent prior to corals.

Here is a closer shot of the bowl thing:

^Thanks. I have my cleaning crew in the tank now along with a few peppermint shrimp. I am interested to see what the cycle is like. I used all Live sand, and all live rock with a good amount of growth.

I also don't have a drop of tapwater in the system.

It will be cool to see how it all transforms with coral eventually too.
The cycle should be pretty quick. Mine took about 3-4 weeks before it hit 0 ammonia and nitrites. I am right around 7-8 weeks now and my nitrates are in the 5-10 ppm range.
(180 gal DT, 75 gal fuge, 150 gal sump - not filled all the way... 300 lbs live rock with lots of growth and 380 pounds live sand)
Something I did to hopefully help the cycle, was 200lbs of live rock in maybe 60 gallons of water for a couple of weeks then added the remaining water. Now that all the water is there along with the sand I am guessing it will be quick. This is all good since I sold my 75 like a month ago and the guy is just waiting for my fish to move :)
Thanks. I finally checked the parameters today. O ammonia 0 nitrite 5 nitrate. Looks like it's rocking already. Inverts have been doing well and I'll test magnesium and ph tomorrow if I get a second
Here are a few shots of the different angles around the scaping. This will give you a better idea of what the fish have to work with:






Also I noticed that I missed a couple of the scratches when I sanded or maybe I scratched it while scaping. Is there a way to get scratches out of acrylic once the water is already in? I am assuming any level of sanding will leave the tank looking cloudy.
That aquascaping is pretty awesome. Would even look good as a FOWLR.

I think if you sand the scratches with water in the tank it may get a little cloudy, but should clear up (run a micron filter sock), its a good time now since you don't have any livestock in it.

I also like the art hanging on the walls.....do you have anymore pictures or close ups?
That aquascaping is pretty awesome. Would even look good as a FOWLR.

I also like the art hanging on the walls.....do you have anymore pictures or close ups?

Thanks! I actually have a few things living in the tank now as the levels are stabilizing. I have to add a few at a time and watch the levels because my other tank sold and I need to slowly be moving everyone.

The YWG did get a new friend though as his GF got eaten last month :(



As far as the artwork goes, I painted those. Here are a few pics of them:




I also was commissioned to do one of some Garden Eels, but I can't seem to find an image of it. It was a three canvas series.
I added another series of small caves this afternoon. I wanted it to remain subtle though. Observe:


Also Retested the water again today now that things have been living in it.

Ammonia- 0
Nitrite- 0
Nitrate- Less than 5
PH-8.3 or so
Salinity- .025

I am pretty happy with the flow of this tank so far to say the least! I will probably add my remaining fish next week :)
It's looking really good so far! It will be cool to watch this one come around and end up packed with awesome colonies. What skimmer do you currently have for it?
The skimmer is a us aquariums one that was built into the sump when the tank was created. I am working on an upgrade though.

I pulled the hood and added a new t5 set up tonight. Ati sunpower 60"