TaNuki's Upgrade to a 180!

^Thank you!

So in catching the anthias, I was forced to pull down my rock work.

So I went from:



How do you like it? I will take some more pics with the full lights on tonight and post them.

Also I got a Tiny little sunburst anthias on Saturday. He is almost too small for pics though so far. I need to get him comfortable and take some with the underwater camera. He is less than an inch long and yet he hangs out with my 6 inch niger trigger. :headwally:
Well my friend is moving tanks so I get to coral sit for a few months. I am hoping to keep these all alive/ help bring some of them to full health.

Here are the current residents:


This one used to be so beautiful, I hope it comes back

Lobos don't tickle me right

This is like a half of a melon in size? 8-10 inches across? Maybe 4-5 high when inflated





Here are some shots of the tank now with the corals all placed and glass cleaned up:


Ok I have proof that this guy lives. Tank lights weren't on yet, but I have no clue if he is now out for good or not, so I'll take what I can get. I also redid the rock work on the right of the tank to mix everyone up. I created a cave that is 1.5 feet tall and maybe a foot in diameter. They all love it.



Dude I just got the same style 180 tank I can't wait to make mines look like yours! Good stuff bro! Keep updated!
Thanks I'm sure you will make something awesome. My next addition will be a refugium piped through the wall.


That Blue spotted jawfish looks pretty thin to me. Hope he is alright.

Nice set by the way. Like the rock work.
Here is my tank still underconstruction!

<a href="http://s1092.photobucket.com/albums/i403/myreefliving/Mobile%20Uploads/?action=view&current=IMAG0163.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1092.photobucket.com/albums/i403/myreefliving/Mobile%20Uploads/IMAG0163.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
The only deal I really not liking about our style tank is the euro brace it takes away some of our lighting. But your doing a great job bypassing that! Looking good bro!
Thanks. I think that stuff gets a good amount of light. The biggest blocker are those covers I think for now.

Last night was Frag Fest.

At the show I was able to get my hands on a Rose Bubble Tip Anemone and some Toxic Green Zoanthids. Everything looks healthy in the tank, and I will get some pictures of the frags posted shortly.

On the way home from the show I stopped in at "The Aquarium," because my friend wanted to pick up a few Emerald Crabs. While there he got excited over a certain small Linkia Starfish, and bought it for my tank. He told me he had purchased one for his tank before, but literally watched it dissolve as he put it in the tank, not having properly acclimated it. He told me he wanted to live vicariously through me by putting it in my tank. I personally really like the Linkia's so of course I did not decline the offer.

Acclimation for the new residents:

RBTA- 30 Minutes floating the bag in the tank


Linkia- 2 Hours Drip acclimation

So far everything is doing great. The ZOAS opened up this morning before I left for work. The starfish is on the glass and has moved from one end of the tank to the other, so I will assume he is going to be fine. The RBTA stuck to the first rock I put it on within about 10 minutes of entering the tank.
Tonight I picked up a white carpet anemone. It is hard to tell from the images, but it is white with lime green spots. It looks really good under my lights. I was a bit nervous with his acclimation because it is a task to get him to anchor, but he is finally staying put. I dug out the sand down to the bottom to clear a spot for him and turned the powerheads off while he anchored. I did leave some flow though from the returns. It is really incredible to feel the difference in the sting from a regular RBTA or LTA and the Carpet Anemone. He can literally hang from my hand supported by the grip of his sting. He is a bit stressed out from the move, so I am hoping that gaping in his mouth will go away in the next day or so. They say the stickier these are, the healthier they are, so I am not too concerned with him being sick from the get go.


Also here is a shot of the zoa's growing in:
So you have a trigger in your reef tank. Never heard of anybody being able to pull that off without eventually losing corals from them chomping away, how long has it been in there?
^Thanks Eel Freak!

Well yesterday was the day to finish moving fish over from the previous tank as someone will be picking it up this week. Because I had left my trigger and yellow tang in the other tank, I was hoping to pick up the other two tangs from the lfs so I could move everyone in at once. So I got a couple of other fish and put everyone in.

The fish have been in the tank for over 24 hours now and everything seems smooth. Everyone is swimming a lot, eating a lot, and no bullies so far.

What bulbs are you for your t5s
Yeah the trigger has been in the tank since the start actually. He doesn't even look at the corals. The flame angel and tangs are more of a coral concern to me. I am just worried that one day the trigger will decide he wants to eat fish instead of pellets, nori, and mysis. He loves nori now. So far I have seen him chase off the tri color anthias on occasion, but he doesnt touch anything else. I've never even seen him come near the sunburst anthias, and that anthias is 1/2 inch long!

The bulbs are the ati 80w bulbs. 2 blue, 1 pink, 3 actinic