TaNuki's Upgrade to a 180!

^Thanks Eel Freak!

Well yesterday was the day to finish moving fish over from the previous tank as someone will be picking it up this week. Because I had left my trigger and yellow tang in the other tank, I was hoping to pick up the other two tangs from the lfs so I could move everyone in at once. So I got a couple of other fish and put everyone in.

The fish have been in the tank for over 24 hours now and everything seems smooth. Everyone is swimming a lot, eating a lot, and no bullies so far.

pretty sleek video, i enjoyed it!

Thanks. I never actually make endings for my videos because I assume no one watches till the end :)

I will make some better ones soon. It is hard because you scare the fish when you are in the tank, but you are trying to get a shot of the fish. I need to learn to take pictures through the acrylic too.
Found an Isopod killing my sailfin tang last night. pulled the tang out, pulled the pod off it and killed the isopod. tang seems ok this morning, I gave it some fresh nori and a few spectrum pellets. Hopefully it is doing well when i get home. Even bigger hope, is that there are no more isopods.
Looks great. I don't think anyone can ever be satisfied with their scape, but that's why it makes reefing so fun - it always changing.

Love all the little caves for fishes to disappear in at night.
^Thanks. I want to add a bit more sand, but I think the rocks are pretty much set how I want them to stay now.
Well I added my first real coral yesterday. I was told it would take a few days to open up, but it mostly all opened up within a couple of hours, so I target fed it and watched it munch down on its food. Pretty cool so far. I got it as kind of a test coral before I move the whole colony I bought over in a month or so.


and here is my friend's tank. He had just put the Favia in, so those stands are not staying up that high. Probably not the best picture, but he has some cool stuff:

Well my parents came to town this last weekend, so I made sure the tank was clean and healthy. My parents have never really seen a privately owned sw tank, and were so excited by mine, that they bought me some stuff for it!

Aussie Prism Favia (I Think)

I was told it is a hammer coral, but am pretty sure it is a frogspawn:

Candy Cane Coral:

Oh and here is my wife:

I also got a purple anemone and a flame angel!
Picked up my sun coral colony yesterday! These are awesome because they stay open pretty much 24/7 unlike my frag I bought that opens at 10pm!


Located right under the branch in the middle.

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defo a frogspawn not a hammer,ive never had much luck with sun corals but yours look very happy.
Nice size tank

Well look at me go. I haven't spent money on my tank or made additions since sep 9th!

Yesterday I traded my 10gallon tank for a couple of frags:

Lobo Coral

and a Fire and Ice/ Rainbow Acan (you can barely see it at the top of that rock structure):
Ok so I got new stuff yesterday!
I Got a Blue Spot Jawfish, But I will need some luck getting a picture of him.

Here is my Maxima Clam. He is maybe 5 or 6 inches?


An unknown Zoanthid from Zoanthids.com (Maybe I can email them and ask what it is)

A Viagra Toadstool surrounded by? Chime in if you know what those little ones are.

Montipora filled with Zoa's!


Cup Coral, not exactly sure of a name other than that.

And here are some shots of the other ones that are still growing in the tank!

My Favia seems to be growing like crazy:
Fire and Ice Acan:

Frogspawn (Also Seem Very Happy)

Lobo Scolly

Purple/ Green Duncan (not really growing but seems healthy)

Zoanthids L-R (Green Bay Packers, Not Sure, Armor of God)

More Zoanthids (These seem to be growing like crazy)

24/7 Sun Corals (They rarely go inside like my other ones. I have been told these are firecracker dendros, but who really knows?)

Yellow Toadstool going strong: