TBRC July 11th Meeting Info

Mrs Postal

New member
Our July meeting will be in Clearwater on the 11th & starting at 6pm. For those of you who have hosted this year, this is also the night of our host drawing for the MP-40 that we are raffling off for those folks. For those of you who are members, we will also have our monthly membership raffle for a $50 gift card to one of our sponsors. If you are not a member and wish to join before the meeting, you may go to Paypal and use BOD@tampabayreefclub.org to join. Membership fees are $25 for single/$30 for family. New members receive a $10 gift cert to on our of 5 sponsors when they are at their first meeting.

The meeting address is 1737 Ridgeway Drive, Clearwater, FL 33755. Our hosts have We have a 40 gal seahorse aquarium with coral, a 60 gal frag tank used to grow out and our main 150 gal reef.

Please remember to bring a food item to share & the club will provide sodas & water.
Does the past meeting host have to be present to win?

Does the past meeting host have to be present to win?

Our July meeting will be in Clearwater on the 11th & starting at 6pm. For those of you who have hosted this year, this is also the night of our host drawing for the MP-40 that we are raffling off for those folks. For those of you who are members, we will also have our monthly membership raffle for a $50 gift card to one of our sponsors. If you are not a member and wish to join before the meeting, you may go to Paypal and use BOD@tampabayreefclub.org to join. Membership fees are $25 for single/$30 for family. New members receive a $10 gift cert to on our of 5 sponsors when they are at their first meeting.

The meeting address is 1737 Ridgeway Drive, Clearwater, FL 33755. Our hosts have We have a 40 gal seahorse aquarium with coral, a 60 gal frag tank used to grow out and our main 150 gal reef.

Please remember to bring a food item to share & the club will provide sodas & water.