TBRC Meeting Saturday October 15, @6pm


New member
7546 Pine Lands Dr
Wesley Chapel 33544

Parking will be along the sides of the road and in the driveway. We have a long driveway that will hold a few cars, but if you choose to park there, you will be blocked in by whomever parks behind you. The road is paved but not county maintained, so watch out for all the pot holes and pay attention when you park on the shoulder.

The system is approximately 135 gallons consisting of two 40 breeder tanks and a 25g cube all connected to the same 40g sump. The first 40 breeder is a macro tank and is home to a rhinopias. The cube tank has a few NPS corals along with a small frogfish. The other 40 breeder contains some zoas, LPS, and a few small fish.

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The meeting will be at Lee (postal) and Michelle(mrs postal)
We will have a frag auction and the 2012 elections.
The educational topic will be announced shortly.
Spooked me for a second. Our October meeting is Sunday, October 16. It's normally Saturday, but got bumped for a wedding. FYI, that's our annual frag auction. I'll post up a formal invite next week. But, you can start planning for a full frag weekend now. TBRC on Saturday and SWFMAS on Sunday!
Im not a member anymore just back in. do I need to be a member to go? also what is the deal with kids? don't think I can make this one. I have a tournament out of town I have to leave early sunday for but would like to know for future meetings. also whats member ship cost these days?

And as a sad update, the macro tank no longer houses the rhinopias.
Unfortunately, he died of unknown causes. He had switched to taking IQF silversides with no problem. He was eating well and had grown since I purchased him. Early this week I noticed he was hiding in the macro more and not in his usual perching spots. When I put the feeding net in the water he showed no interest. The next morning he was dead.
The only thing I can think of is that maybe one of the silversides was bad and rotted in his stomach. I know many longtime anemone owners think that this can kill anemones as well. I really have nothing else to go on. He showed no signs of illness other than not being interested in food the day before he died. He did not have any signs of bacterial infections which is usually what kills rhinopias early in captivity.
Needless to say, I hated to see a fish this beautiful lose its life under my care. Owning one is something I will do again in the future when the right situation arises, but not right now.