Tell me more about my new addition (Porites)


New member
Picked this up today from an LFS. Its a nice size colony (4"x 4") of what is suppose to be Yellow Porites but it looks awful green to me. Thoughts?

yeah... hmmm. porite.. does it feed at night? so much diversity in porites....going to be hard to tell without a close up of the polyp. can you get a shot, polyps extended. the amount of tentacles on the polyp can sometimes help

did you get a collection region?
Looking at the red digi on the right of the screen this one does look to be a porites sp.

This color looks nice. Why would you want the common yellow ones that regularly come in?
yeah... hmmm. porite.. does it feed at night? so much diversity in porites....going to be hard to tell without a close up of the polyp. can you get a shot, polyps extended. the amount of tentacles on the polyp can sometimes help

did you get a collection region?

If it does it will be hungry. I don't feed my corals. Si far the polyps don't extend hardly at all similar to the red digi. No region on where it was from. The rock it's on make me think it was Maricultured
looks like it's a porites Cylindrica, but without a close-up picture, it will be hard to say for certain. The bright yellow porites Cylindrica is one of my favorite corals. It's pretty much the only true yellow sps out there and some are such an incredibly bright and vivid yellow. They're amazing for adding contrast, especially for tanks with a lot of purple and blue colored acros.