tenticals oozing out of my Live rock?


New member
whats up guys. I noticed these Long brown tenticals waving around. They are coming from a few pores in the live rock. I noticed this last night around 1AM and then around 7pm today they where still there but even longer now. i know... i pic would be helpful but i dont have a digi camera at the momment. Any ideas?.
i thought they where also but they are not. i just scraped them off. its like a brown ooz... its slowly oozing out of some of the pores and it waves around the current.
Are they reddish brown in color? I have lot of these on a colony of zoas that are currently in the process of dieing. Don't know if they are the cause, but the rock is full of them. I sometimes get a colony in the main tank. The tentacles rab pieces of sand and build little piles below where they are in the tank. They come and go. I thnk the crabs get them every now and then.