the 1700g stingray reef

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Hey guys, I had the pleasure of stopping by Energy's place this last weekend and taking some pics. I could only stay for about 30 minutes but at least I got to snap a little over 100 pics!!!!! Enjoy everyone.

Energy, thanks for having Skip and I over, that was truely amazing and worth the 6 hour drive from my place!

Here's my favorites......



By the way, does you Bodianus masudai (candy stripe hogfish) bother anything in your tank? I got one a while back and it complitely disappeared overnight, so I was wanting to try another. I get mixed reports from some people on their behavior.

PS: love the clown colors :)
And last but not least..... me dreaming this was my tank!!!!! Thanks again Energy, that was a great experience. I wish you great luck with the tank and with your growing family. I can't wait to have a tank like that. Actually, after I build my new house I am planning an 8'X8' cube with center overflow viewable on all 4 sides. That will be fun.

I sware...

I sware...

I sware every new picture I see of this tank just makes it look more and more spectular... I wish I could see this tank in person and talk to Energy... It's prob a good thing that I live almost 1000 miles away because I think if I did get to see the tank in person he would not be able to get me to leave LOL...

As for the halides, I run halide alone for 6 hours per day...good growth and color...could it be better? Dont know, but I dont notice any diff from when I ran 8 hours per day.
I drove 6 hours down there and 6 hours back in the same day!!! I though it would be a 17 gal nano or something when Skip told me 1700 gal reef tank! That's not a nano, my 72 bowfront is now though!!!!!!! The pics don't do the tank any justice--- believe me!
i think energy's wife is getting tired of all the drool on her beautiful hard wood floors. with all the local club members ( me included) touring the stingray reef i think he has a mop stationed right around the corner to clean up the drool off the floor.
thanks again energy and wife for letting me invade you house one more time to drool on the floor some more. trodder was speachless after we left your house. i asked him what he thought of the stingray reef, and he said "there is no words to describe it".
Thanks for all the pictures. I guess it is worth a 24 hour drive to Minnesota, eh? ;) I did it once a few years ago.
Forgetaboutit. ;) Ain't gonna happen. Naked Travis and your empty tank aren't tempting enough. :D

j/k - I'm sure you'd have me scraping coralline or something. Not gonna do it!
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