the 1700g stingray reef

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Ladies & gentleman.... please be advised more pics are on the way shortly... I am starting to get them onto photobucket as we speak :)
melev said:
Forgetaboutit. ;) Ain't gonna happen. Naked Travis and your empty tank aren't tempting enough. :D

j/k - I'm sure you'd have me scraping coralline or something. Not gonna do it!

thats too funny!!!!



Wow again, how many different corals are in there? like 200?

thanks again for the beautiful pics!

nice pics you two. are you guys just not blown away by that tank? i know i was!!!

Energy i'm sure i speak for everyone when i say THANK YOU...for letting us invade you home and your family. tell the wife thank you also. BTW how is the new baby doing? the wife doing ok?

later buddy
nbd13 said:
Wow again, how many different corals are in there? like 200?

thanks again for the beautiful pics!


there might be 200 coral in the first 5 feet of the tank. there is another 10 feet past that 5 feet to go. if i were to guess on the coral count i would say some where around 500-600 different corals in that tank. there are new frags every where. and the wrasse population is to die for. i have seen more wrasses in that tank than you see in a book about wrasses. i was truly amazed at the amount of different fish in there. god(and energy) only knows how many are in there. that red sptted wrasse( dont know its real name) is one of the coolest looking wrasses i have ever seen. my wife made me start looking for a black lepaord wrasse. she saw energys and has to have one in our tank. so off to the computer i went to see if i could find her one. it is very dangerous taking my wife over there. she wants to over stock my tank by about 40%.
energy your making a wrasse addict out of my wife! and that dragonfaced pipefish is a dream of hers too.
and here i though i was a reef addict. my wife is getting worse than me! o well i will have a 300g tank to stock next spring. i guess i will have to get some stocking tips from(energy) the master.
I believe the clowns are called "snowflake" clowns..... and yes I was completely blown away by this tank!!! I just wished that my fiance would have came with.... she would have loved it.
melev said:
Thanks for all the pictures. I guess it is worth a 24 hour drive to Minnesota, eh? ;) I did it once a few years ago.

I made it from here (minnesota) to San Antonio in about 19 hours. it is a straight shot from up on I35. if you average 80 mph you can make it in 19 hours give or take.....;)
On this page (unless this post ends up starting a new page) there is a picture of the 'fish room' behind the scenes. I have a couple questions about it.

What is the whiteboard or paneling on the glass that's notched around the returns and what is it's purpose? Is it just to provide a backdrop so you don't see through the tank? Is it insulation of sorts?

Also, what is the purpose of that tall tank on the left?

Can we get a brief explanation of the function of each of those tanks? Are they all hooked in series to the main display?

The tall tank on the left is for saltwater changes, and the white boards on the back of the tank I think are there just to block light when he has the windows open or something... that I do not know for sure. But he has windows on the left side of the pic that face the tank directly. I'll Energy answer about the other tanks... if you read the rest of the thread you can pretty much get your answer though...
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