the 1700g stingray reef

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massman said:
psst must have a moorish idol :D

no he dont have a morish idol. and i know he dont want one either. they eat sponge. he is trying to make a sponge refugium. and a morish idol would eat the sponge out of the tank.
Have you had to contend with phosphate issues yet, Energy? I just tested my effluent a couple of nights ago, and PO4 was 2.0 so now I'm running the effluent through some ferric oxide to get it back to 0.
spazz said:
well seeing i have bugged the reef master alot lately i will have to build him an acrylic camera box he can take some top down pics with. my camera is so big i dont think it would work very well to make a box for it.

no.... but mine will :D
spazz said:
he is trying to make a sponge refugium. and a morish idol would eat the sponge out of the tank.


Don't put the moorish idol in the sponge refugium, put it in the tank.;)
If he doesn't want one, fair enough.
I don't think he wants a moorish idol in the tank either. He is trying to grow sponges behind the aquascape to aid in filtration.
Energy, do you ever frag your corals to keep them from going into chemical warfare with each other? I know you want to let them grow, but your corals are bigger than most people that go to town fragging. Just curious :)
Chelsey- I do frag my corals. I usually trade them to other local reefers just to spread them out in case of a tank crash. If that happens then I can get frags of my own corals back and start again.
Massman - I would love to have a Moorish Idol but like Travis said I'm trying to grow sponge in the main system as well as the sponge refugium.
Melev- I haven't had phoshate problems yet but I'm taking precautions- Running Kalk and using a chaeto refugium to help nip it in the bud. I have also sporadically ran a phosphate remover just in case.
Spazz- I have been searching for anampsis feminisis for quite some time. It is a blue wrasse with a yellow head and lighting bolt like streaks. It is listed on Dr. Foster and Smith but is never available. It is also on the back cover of rainbow and fairy wrasses book.
Lunch- The kid is great. Like Nex Dog said they just don't sleep.


Energy, that is by far the most beautiful reef tank I have ever seen. I've only been in this hobby for 6 months, but just seeing your tank gives me inspiration to someday attempt a tank that is half as gorgeous as yours. I'm 19 years old, and your tank is the coolest thing I have ever seen. I read your thread for 2 hours straight, and I have just one question. What kind of clownfish is that? The colors are really cool. And it looks like its hosting in GSP, that's awesome. Congrats of your new son also. I wish your family health and happiness for the upcoming holiday season.

Fabulous tank! How old are your oldest corals? Have you had any of them sexually reproduce or do a mass spawning? If I had a system that size that would be one of my goals, to let the grows grow to critical mass and then see them spawn and form baby corals all over the place :)

Demeyer 2- Thanks for the compliment - The clowns are called snowflake clowns and I believe they originate in Europe probably through specialized breeding. Many people think they are fugly but I like the weird and unusual. They are hosting in GSP. I have a friend who has a clown that is hosting in a clam! I'm still waiting for that clam to squish the clown.
Cirlanid Hunter- I have some poci which of course has spread all over the tank. I've actually been hoping to avoid any mass spawning events which could lead to system contamination. My oldest coral is around 6-7 years maybe. That's about as long as Ive had it. I trade corals often so I don't keep the same ones around.
Energy, do you have any future plans of adding a school of small fish like chromis, anthias, cardinals, or wrasses? A school of any one of those would be awesome in that tank.
After looking at the many pictures in this tread (again and again and again...)

I've decide that you win!


Mother Nature
Travis- A school would be cool but I haven't decided on a species. I have been thinking about Anthias or Wrasses but the Jury is still out. I'm also trying to keep my fish load down, I personally dislike crowded aquariums.
DKeller- Thanks _ I think there is room for improvement. I know I definately need to boost my clean-up crew and let things grow in. I'm thinking of ordering about a thousand snails.
Energy said:
Travis- A school would be cool but I haven't decided on a species. I have been thinking about Anthias or Wrasses but the Jury is still out. I'm also trying to keep my fish load down, I personally dislike crowded aquariums.

I think there is room for improvement. I know I definately need to boost my clean-up crew and let things grow in. I'm thinking of ordering about a thousand snails.


I also hate crowded tanks. My previous tank had tons fo large fish and on my current one I decided to go with smaller fish only. I do have 3 fish I could consider larger: achiles tang, a morish idol, and a red sea desjardini tang. The rest is smaller fish. I love it so much better now. The tank looks busy, but it does not look crowded despite the dozens of fish in it. Their behavior is so much more natural than the pack of tangs or other larger fish would ever get in a relatively speaking small tank (anything <10,000g) compared to the natural territories those fish over in the wild.

As far as the clean up crew, forget about snails as it would take 15,000 to make a difference. Get some urchins and you'll be amazed at how clean that tank gets in a week's time. I had 600 snails and 600 crabs in my 750g tank and they never seemed like they did anything. I added 6 tuxedo urchins and in less than one week they had the rocks with nothing but coralline on them. Try them out, but read a little about them before getting them if you have not so you get an idea of what will get you the most bang for your buck. Just an idea..............

PS: in case I did not say it before, the tank looks great. It will definately be breath taking when it fills in.
dgasmd said:

I also hate crowded tanks. My previous tank had tons fo large fish and on my current one I decided to go with smaller fish only. I do have 3 fish I could consider larger: achiles tang, a morish idol, and a red sea desjardini tang. The rest is smaller fish. I love it so much better now. The tank looks busy, but it does not look crowded despite the dozens of fish in it. Their behavior is so much more natural than the pack of tangs or other larger fish would ever get in a relatively speaking small tank (anything <10,000g) compared to the natural territories those fish over in the wild.

I agree... With my 600gal I am only going to have a few larger fish, and the rest will be smaller, like gobies, blennies and what not...

dgasmd, how long have you have your Achilles Tang ?? How does he seem to be doing in your system... I would love to get an Achilles when my 600gal is rdy...
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