the 1700g stingray reef


Please step away from the keyboard! :D

Everything's looking very nice Stan! Sorry to hear that other Red Carpet didn't make it! :( Hopefully the new one will pull through for you.
energy, what are you currently doing for humidity issues? how would you do things differently in this regard? do you have corrosion issues? if this is in your thread, im sure a lurker / poster may be able to direct me.
hmidity is handled in 3 ways. first is direct venting of the fish room outdoors. then there is an airconditioner in the fish room just to handle the excess heat in the room. then on top of that there is central air through out the house that adds cooling and dehimidifying. but he said that because the house is a log home and the wood use to make the house so dry that they had nose bleads and such happening. the tank helps to bring up the humidity just enough to be comfortable but not ove humid.

Some reading and I found the anwser.. I would be interested to know the cfm of the fan that blows directly outside, as well as the airhandler tonnage that is responsible for the fish room... but i can live without the anwsers... as the tank is incredible.
Cooling for the room is done with a 1.5 ton system indepedent of the main house central airconditioning. This is one aspect that I will need to modify since it cannot keep up with the heat produced by the room. The main air ducts for the house run through the room in the ceiling and I get extra cooling from the homes central airconditiong which is able to keep up. The average year round Temperature in Minnesota is 45 degrees F. 3- 4 months of the year it gets hot and Humid with highs averaging 85-95 F. These are the months that my cooling capacity is a problem. Since I have two operational windows I simply open up a window or two to cool things down the other parts of the year.I have two "bathrooms" fans in located in the ceiling of the room. One is ducted to the inside of the house so I can flip a switch and re-use the warm air produced by the acquarium and it's accesories. The other fan is ducted to the outside so I can further vent any excess heat and humidity during the warm months.

I was able to find this, 1.5 ton is 600 cfm air handler. He also used 2 bathroom fans, so add about another 100 cfm to that. Anyway.. for those that are interested.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9510082#post9510082 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Energy

Hello Energy.
I've noticed that you've added nice Tusk Fish to your wrasses collection.;) Do you like him? Lovely fish is not him?
What is TRT and TCMAS

What is TRT and TCMAS

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9977253#post9977253 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by trodder
you can find a new thread for it on TRT. Go into the TCMAS forum I think.

What is the forum ???? I have been following this tank from the start... Want to keep up .
i hate to say ti guys but energy is extremly busy right now with the start of construction season. so getting any new info may be a while. i did talk to energy not too long ago and he said every thing was doing great. he is not planning any thing new for the tank this summer. just letting it grow out some more and enjoying it.
Just wanted to say you have a beautiful tank! I had the honor of being able to see it in person last night at the TCMAS meeting, and I hope to be able to see it again some time. Thanks for having us!

(P.S. God of War is my all time favorite PS2 game)
It's in the thread. Go back to the beginning. It's actually both. Some real, some fake. And he did a sweet job.
I believe it is fake. I think it was some sort of flat sided stuff but I'm not sure. I've seen ti and touched it but sometimes you can't tell

oops...I think I misunderstood your post David. I thought you were talking about the reef, not the exterior. My bad! :(