Cooling for the room is done with a 1.5 ton system indepedent of the main house central airconditioning. This is one aspect that I will need to modify since it cannot keep up with the heat produced by the room. The main air ducts for the house run through the room in the ceiling and I get extra cooling from the homes central airconditiong which is able to keep up. The average year round Temperature in Minnesota is 45 degrees F. 3- 4 months of the year it gets hot and Humid with highs averaging 85-95 F. These are the months that my cooling capacity is a problem. Since I have two operational windows I simply open up a window or two to cool things down the other parts of the year.I have two "bathrooms" fans in located in the ceiling of the room. One is ducted to the inside of the house so I can flip a switch and re-use the warm air produced by the acquarium and it's accesories. The other fan is ducted to the outside so I can further vent any excess heat and humidity during the warm months.