the 1700g stingray reef

its a man made stone facing. you cant tell the difference between it and real stone. it weighs as much as real stone and looks identical to real stone.
Hi again, Thought i'd stop in and give some updates. The stone work on the outside of the tank is a combination of man-made rock and real rock. I added real rock just to make it all seem more authentic. By doing that it makes it very hard to tell where the fake stuff is.

The tank is doing fine and metamorphising from the last pictures posted. The sps are starting to grow massive and a few colonies are larger than basket balls. In general all is well, algae is under control and no real problems. Thanks to the Volcanoe skimmer the colors in the sps are better than ever. I can't say enogh about that skimmer. It is my main piece of hardware and really the most important thing I own for the success of the system. Since adding that skimmer my algae problems have subsided, sps colors pop and everything is in balance.

I'm a firm believer in a good skimmer and there sure isn't a better one around.

I've added a harlequin tusk and it is a model citizen, doesn't bother anything and is very peaceful. No new additions worth noting fish wise.
Right on! Sure glad to hear things are getting better. I had a bunch of things conspire to create a brown algal outbreak in my system and it is tough to beat. It is slowly getting better but I have lost some corals. Most, however are weathering the storm. Good skimming and slow adjustments are the key I think.
How are your large sea anemones are doing? The purple one and the red S.gigantea are they still on rock and sand interface?
Very nice corals, kudos to you:)
I'd like to see some pics of the corals growing out. How's everything going with the tank?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11442550#post11442550 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Kent E
I'd like to see some pics of the corals growing out. How's everything going with the tank?

i know there will be a major update right after the first of the year. i seen some pictures of his tank last night and i was totaly amazed at how much the tank has grown out. just be pacient. its the holidays and energy is really busy at work right now. but he will have some amazing pictures to show real soon.
Pillers build

Pillers build

Does this huge thread have any post on how the diy pillers were built for the tank. They are so realistic I would love to try and build the same. There is almost now way to go through the pages to find it.
Re: Pillers build

Re: Pillers build

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11554712#post11554712 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jjoos99
Does this huge thread have any post on how the diy pillers were built for the tank. They are so realistic I would love to try and build the same. There is almost now way to go through the pages to find it.

He did a write up on it in his TOTM article.
Great tank. I went thru the entire thread and couldn't find a synopsis of your feeding regament. Can you give us an idea of what all you feed the tank
OMG, just found this post last night. My girlfriend, who I've turned into a reef junkie too, found it actually and sent me a link while I'm out of town working. Up until seeing this, I was having a hard time convincing her our 75 gallon reef tank isn't big enough!! WooHoo...thanks for the help!!

Energy, AMAZING. Spazzz, thanks for starting this thread and Energy, thank you for allowing it to happen. Simply beautiful!!