The BB movement

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7050227#post7050227 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JMBoehling
Here is a picture of the "Great Barrier Reef".. I am not seeing a whole lot of sand :)


Yea and if you were to look at the entire ocean as a whole there is more sand than fish,coral and anything else combined.
Sunny X,

You obviously exist...

I just tested my water parameters and here they are:

PH ALK PH PO4 Calcium
3/27/2006 1.0255 3.43 8.25 0 400

I keep a running log and these numbers have changed very little. I have no reactor and am getting good growth, and my parameters are ROCK solid.

Trying to keep this as informative as possible. To say Sand on the bottom looks more natural is not 100% correct. I prefer the Barrier Reef look as to a Fringing Reefs or Swamps. To each his own :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7050297#post7050297 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JMBoehling
Sunny X,

You obviously exist...

I just tested my water parameters and here they are:

PH ALK PH PO4 Calcium
3/27/2006 1.0255 3.43 8.25 0 400

I keep a running log and these numbers have changed very little. I have no reactor and am getting good growth, and my parameters are ROCK solid.

Trying to keep this as informative as possible. To say Sand on the bottom looks more natural is not 100% correct. I prefer the Barrier Reef look as to a Fringing Reefs or Swamps. To each his own :)

I guess its all relative to each tank. I personally could never get by with just kalk.

I am just trying is dispel the myth that one way is better than the other.
Re: Re: The BB movement

Re: Re: The BB movement

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7047633#post7047633 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gcarroll
I would not give up my 2" sand for the world. Why?

1. becasue I love gobies.
2. because I love wrasses
3. I love the microorganisms that live in the sand that help feed my sps
4. I think that sand has more surface area than the live rock that we have so it is important form of biological media.

Sums it up for me pretty much.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7050383#post7050383 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MiddletonMark
Sunny, just as long as you're talking any way other than mine :lmao:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Re: The BB movement

Re: Re: The BB movement

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7047633#post7047633 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gcarroll
I would not give up my 2" sand for the world. Why?

1. becasue I love gobies.
2. because I love wrasses
I love mine too.
Not all wrasses/gobies require a sandbed :)
did you say NO water changes? wow, wow. how do you keep your paremeters so good and your tank thriving and phosphates and nitrates testing zero? what kind of method are u using? is there a thread here on RC with your tank info if so direct me there? i want to know more about this. is there any secrets? lol

I shouldn't say NO water changes...I add a little bit back every couple months or so as I sell a lot of frags, so I need to keep the salinity somewhat in-line. Other than the occasional gallon or two every couple months, it's simply topoff with fresh. And tapwater at that. ;)

I run my tanks from the natural approach: sand bed, live rock, skimmer. That's basically it for filtration. No mechanical (filter pads, floss), chemical (carbon, etc.) other than the skimmer, and that's really about it. I also keep a LOT of macroalgae growing in the sump.

Current bioload consists of (not including corals):

1 pair Maroon clowns
1 Lamarck angel
1 yellow tang
1 dusky jawfish
6 green-banded gobies
1 breeding trio of Banggai cardinals
8-10 baby Banggai (right around an inch now)
3 skunk cleaner shrimp
2 peppermint shrimp
6 Sexy shrimp
~50? blue-legged hermits
~1000? cerith snails (they're breeding in the tank)
~50? Nassarius vibex snails
~25? Astrea snails
~5 turbo snails

Coral (etc.) occupants include:

~30 zoanthids colonies
~10 Acropora colonies
lots of acro frags
5 Goniopora
7 Montipora colonies
2 5" T. derasa clams
1 4" T. crocea clam
1 2" T. maxima clam

There's also some random leathers, softies and some others as well.

I feed 2 cubes+ of food each day, target feed all my LPS every night, my SPS at least 2-3 times a week, and feed the fish heavily. Algae does need to be scraped once in a while, but aside from that, that's about it. My tank isn't really set up for display at the current moment as a whole, but you can check my gallery for pics of some of the corals in the tank.

Again, it works fine for me, always has. In the long run I'd probably get better growth from my corals with more frequent water changes, and if I ever have the time, I'd likely increase them at least a little bit. But with the multiple species breeding and pretty decent coral growth (for example, a quarter-sized Monti frag I got in December is now nearly 5" in diameter...not staggering growth, but decent), I simply can't be bothered.

Both approaches to reefkeeping can be successful if you do them right, and I think that's the important thing to take away.

And for the record, this isn't the only tank I've ever run like this. I've had multiples in the past (this one is going on 2 years) and used to set up and maintain tanks for a few folks that were set up the same.
I know this is off the subject a little but IMO algea comes from the rock you introduce... If the rock has been 'seeded' with algea from it natural location it will grow algea when put into a tank... Just as frags with algea's can introduce them to our tanks.

So away from BB or SB I believe the condition of the rock we use in our setups plays a part to the success.
Re: Re: Re: The BB movement

Re: Re: Re: The BB movement

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7050672#post7050672 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MiddletonMark
I love mine too.
Not all wrasses/gobies require a sandbed :)

Very true. I wouldn't have ranked them in that order of preference specifically.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7046033#post7046033 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JMBoehling
Here's what I like about my BB setup:

1.) "0" Nitrates

2.) Great water Movement

3.) PH, ALK, Calcium and Magnesium stay right in check just by dripping Kalk 24/7 as my makeup water. NJo need for expensive Calcium reactors and Kalk Stirrers.

I've got some pics in my gallery as well.

Not sure why people are having problems with their BB setups. BB is as KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) as it comes.

My sand bed tank has great water movement,0 trates, and I just use kalk (and some mag), and nothing goes out of whack. That has nothing to do with BB vs SB, thats a husbandry thing.

Either take can be phenomenal, its all about whether or not you do the needed work.

OH, I ran the tank BB for a while, didnt see mcuh difference to my SSB as far as health went, but now I have some sand sleeping wrasses, so its not an option any more.
BB's Stay Cleaner!

Registered: Apr 2005
Location: Richmond, VA
Occupation: Sales Engineer
Posts: 718

Here is a picture of the "Great Barrier Reef".. I am not seeing a whole lot of sand

Hobby Experience: 24 Year Fish Only 2 years reef
Current Tanks: 90 Gallon AGA, Bare Bottom, (02) 10" Skylights, Deltec AP600 Skimmer, 216 Watts T5 (2x 11k & 2x Blue+) Supplemental Light
Interests: Family, Fishing, Relaxing

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7051165#post7051165 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by anthworks
I know this is off the subject a little but IMO algea comes from the rock you introduce... If the rock has been 'seeded' with algea from it natural location it will grow algea when put into a tank... Just as frags with algea's can introduce them to our tanks.

So away from BB or SB I believe the condition of the rock we use in our setups plays a part to the success.

This is true, but you are going to get all types of algae enventually, on a frag plug, frag, live rock, snail, ect,... If the algae doesn't have the nutrents it needs to grow it won't be a problem.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7053309#post7053309 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Serioussnaps
BB's Stay Cleaner!

Registered: Apr 2005
Location: Richmond, VA
Occupation: Sales Engineer
Posts: 718

Here is a picture of the "Great Barrier Reef".. I am not seeing a whole lot of sand

Hobby Experience: 24 Year Fish Only 2 years reef
Current Tanks: 90 Gallon AGA, Bare Bottom, (02) 10" Skylights, Deltec AP600 Skimmer, 216 Watts T5 (2x 11k & 2x Blue+) Supplemental Light
Interests: Family, Fishing, Relaxing

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BS... I love you stealth members flying in with no specs, no pics in your gallery... that my friend is BS! Welcome to RC newby:D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7049928#post7049928 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JMBoehling
FishDoc11 (Chris),

Beautiful Reef! If you don't mind, explain your setup and husbandry practice. I am sure that will elnlighten a few of us on what it takes to have a succesful BB Reef.

i.e .. Water Changes, Calcium and ALk replinishment, lighting photperiod, etc


Jim (Fellow BB'er)

Randy's 2 part and kalk with topup
biweekly smaller(10 - 15 gal) H2O changes with IO
Blow off rocks once a week and collect detritus in a sock
2 10K 250 SE Ushios, 2 110 URI VHO atinics and 2 55 watt blue PC's
Good skimming....MR2 with pcx55 run "semi wet"
pcx40 running 2 penductors, 2 MJ 1200's behind rocks and Eheim 1262 return for flow.
1 cup carbon changed monthly
Feed the heck out of the fish:D

Nothing special really. Just basic good reefing principles in practice that work with any established method. Mostly learned from lots of other successful reefers. Some trial and error to figure out what works best for me:)

Some things I will do different in my next tank....leave more room for corals and fish and more random flow.

Cons of BB: no sand and takes more work on a daily basis, more expensive gadgets.

If you are an obsessive compulsive freak about your reef like most reefers, you should be ok with the time thing. I researched and read the threads by the "unmentionables" and learned a lot from everyone on RC. I've got a 180 sitting in my front room waiting for the rock to cook - that part sucks - and then I'll be BB. Just a couple more weeks. I love my DSB by the way and grow sps like weeds, I just feel BB is right for my Habit.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7055159#post7055159 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fishdoc11
IME it actually takes less work:)

Although my tank is not perfect yet, I have found the same thing, it takes less work to syphon deatris when you can see it, and I have a lot less then when I had sand.

Oh and one of the greatest things, when I loose a frag behind the rocks, all I do is bust out a MJ1200 and blast it out :D
