The Dream Tank 400 Gallon Display - IN THE WORKS - Input appreciated!!!!

Obviously the rock work isn't finished... I want to get a couple cantilever formations going and a pillar or two... the start of one is in the back center... But i think im going to need more rock.. Might wait till I tear the 120 Down and use some of the rock from it for the pillars,... We'll see....

Rinsing calcium reactor media tonight and hopefully will get it online sometime tomorrow when I get a chance....
Only thing is make sure you remember to cap off the PVC once you're done or you will have stagnant water in there causing problems in the future...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14663290#post14663290 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ed Reef
Only thing is make sure you remember to cap off the PVC once you're done or you will have stagnant water in there causing problems in the future...

I take it you are referring to the pillars and the cantilevers?
Awesome build, conrgratulations on your great progress.

I'm familiar with Durso standpipes but this is the first time I've seen a double Durso. What is the significant diference in design and function with the double?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14667197#post14667197 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by GoToSleep
Awesome build, conrgratulations on your great progress.

I'm familiar with Durso standpipes but this is the first time I've seen a double Durso. What is the significant diference in design and function with the double?

Thank you! Its been a tough few months trying to balance school, work, and the tank with spending time with the family. The wife has put up with a lot of absenteeism on my part and Id like to thank her indirectly for that.

The reason for the "double durso was simply to give me piece of mind that if one got blocked I would have a second drain for back up.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14668652#post14668652 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by erics3000
How many inchs of sand did you put in the fuge

I was shooting for six inches I got about 5 maybe 5.5. havnt got a chance to measure it exactly... about 350 lbs of sand... I may add 70 more. Might order some rubble from premium aquatics as they have it on sale. As soon as i get the reactor dialed in, and the tank is stable Im going to order a refugium and tanke kit from Indo Pacific as well as some of their other detritovores.... goig to shoot for a hardy piece of coral in a week to a week in a half after that. keeping fingers crossed.
to fix the pendant problem switch the left fixture with the right one and the slight angle will actually focus the light towards the center and you should be able to eliminate much of the over shadow and light loss over the edge of the tank like this .. \ l /
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14671263#post14671263 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by k9asia
to fix the pendant problem switch the left fixture with the right one and the slight angle will actually focus the light towards the center and you should be able to eliminate much of the over shadow and light loss over the edge of the tank like this .. \ l /

Why didn't I think of that.... lol.... see.... you focus too much on the details of why your frustrated :mad2: you don't thinkg of the small, simple solutions.... :rolleyes:

Thanks k9asia!!! :D

Couple weeks and it will be time to slowly break this down.....


... and put it in the new tank!!!! WOO HOO!!!!
Got to thinkin and wanted some advice from some more experianced reefers before I sink the cash.

Would it be a smart decision to order a Fuge kit from IPSF given that the tank is not even stocked yet? ( the kit comes with green ulva, gracillera, and a yellow algae, misc. pods, bristle worms, mini stars and other misc detritavores as well as a plankton culture.) Will the rock and a few pieces of coral be enough to keep the fuge in habitants fed or should I wait till I have a few fish in the tank. I really wanted to get a large population of fauna going before stocking.... help?
well rock work is on hold. I took a pretty good shock from the drill the other day and now Im not so inclined to pick it back up. I tried to finish up a pillar using zip ties and holes drilled into the pvc to use for hanging. Doesnt look near as nice, and with the larger pieces of rock I have left wont work with this method. So I either have to man up and try not to get shocked again or.... try a different approach to the rock work. :(
Your drill isn't grounded? What about a cordless drill? Perhaps you were drilling barefooted, or in flip flops?

Ground yourself and you should be safe(r). ;)
lol... i dropped the idea of using the hammer drill and went cordless. Problem was I had a 3/8 chuck. bought a new chuck, broke the reverse threaded screw that holds the chuck to the drill trying to get it off. ( Lock-tite is very strong.) so.... ive had a big bout of bad luck. I found an old 12V drill I chencged the chuck out on for the time being, until I can get a replacement threaded shaft for my good drill. so drilling has re commenced. also added 10 red legged hermits, 10 nass. snails, and 4 turbos today. (put a piece of good ol hardy green monti in yesterday KEEPING FINGERS cROSSED!)
OK rock work is done... I have two cave/ lagoons on opposite ends of the tank and a huge cantilever/pillar/monstrosity "branching from the right side cave. I tried to keep as much of the rock as I could up off of the sand by using egg crate/PVC and by using simple three points of contact where I could to create over hangs and arches... Photobucket is acting up so I'll post pictures ASAP.

I have some bad news though... My flame angel Hara Kiri'd his self last night.... found him on the top of the aquarium rim today... it blows my mind the crap that has happened over the past few months... not sure whats going on. the 120 has had several incidences.. over flowing for no apparent reason,... skimmers going hay wire, now health ALPHA fish jumping out of the tank... not sure whats going on but hopefully Ill be shutting the 120 down in a month.

I havnt been posting my test parameters but I had a cople days of calcium and alkalinity troubles as I was getting the reactor dialed in everything seems stable now with calcium at about 400ppm and alkalinity at about 130ppm. Should my alk be higher? I have always kept the 120 at about 120 - 130 ppm... one of the LFS always says 180... I think it may be the way i read the test though... I don't let the color change all the way to .. "green" I take the number at the slightest change from blue.

Clean up crew is doing great and the monti still looks good....
