The Dream Tank 400 Gallon Display - IN THE WORKS - Input appreciated!!!!

Will be draining the tank this coming weekend. Trying to decide on where the fish will go for temporary. Pending the sale of my ASM skimmer and the old 120 gallon system... I will be ordering a Oceans motions 8 way, dart, and all new schedule 80 plumbing. to get things going. Once I sell off some more of the equipment (the calcium reactor, and some of the lights) I will be adding a pair of Vortech MP60s and a 2 part doser.

I am split on whether I want to put star board on the bottom or just put the rocks on PVC stilts or eggcrate and fill in the gaps. If I do start board it will have to be cut into three pieces to fit through the euro bracing. At that point a lot of water and debris can make it through and lodge itself under the starboard and become a nutrient sink. Given this I believe i may be better off just putting everything on the bare acrylic. Options with this though are to paint the bottom of the tank or leave it alone and the sky blue piece of foam under the tank is visible. Any suggestions from barebottom guys?

System break down commencing in 1 hour. Got the tubs ready last night. Have to plumb in the skimmerto the tub and start draining. Will take pictures of the process. Keeping fingers crossed for no issues.
OK tank is empty of everything except 2 pieces of rock. Only suffered a glass shard in the foot and a small electric shock from a faulty heater. Pictures of the temp system below. I will be cleaning everything up this weekend and starting the cleaning of the coralline and algae in the display tank. Sorry everything is a wreck it was a one man job and I was tired. As stated Im going to clean and wire management this weekend.

The lovely DT

The sump

The temp systems. The skimmer is plumbed into one tub for the fish and coral the other will be covered to cook the rock.

In hindsite I made a hastey move with all the coral into the small 29 gallon. The salinity is definitly ery hard to control and I have lost most of the colonies or they are on their way out the door from bleaching.... lights or salinity im not sure. They still have polyp extension. So I am going to bring the salinity down over the next few days and move them to the tub since I rigged the 250 Watt Pendent up.
Tub 1 covered, heater, and 4000GPH of circulation... full of rock.

Tub 2 now has all corals, fish and some rock. Plumbed in is the Reeflo Orca 250 skimmer, a Korallia 4 and mag 8. 6.4 dkh and 450 calcium. going to raise alk slowly.

8 dkh
490 ppm (calcium)

Lost 1 fish to carpet surfing (Chalk Bass)

I am working on cleaning up the DT this weekend. I am also going to attempt to make my first section of DIY rock wall to go around the sides and back wall of the tank. Ill document and post. Stay tuned....

Just read your thread from start to finish....the money, the effort the pain shouldn't go to waste. You were brilliant, the way you did things in the begining ( are a better man (water keeper :)) than me). When your head dropped , eventually so did you. Take your time, keep up with the daily maintenance and you and your tank will be back to your brilliant best!!!!
Ok, Final Update for this thread....

I have shut down the 400 Gal system. Most of the equipment has been sold. I am currently refinishing my old 120 gallon stand and canopy. I am going to move it back upstairs where I can enjoy it. The big tnk was just too much for my time now and too much of a headache. I will probably start a new thread for thew 120. If I do I will post a link here for any one interested. Thanks for following!

Sorry to hear that Obi, definately post a link please. Hopefully your downgrade will bring the enjoyment back for you.
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For those of you who wish to follow the down size I have started a thread here.....

Tank size hasnt been decided yet, as I took out the built in desk over the past week and It ended up looking a little different than I had planned. I now have 72.5 inches to play with... Dont think I can squeeze in a 180, BUMMER but I think either a 60 x 24 x 24, a 60 x 30 x 24 or a normal 120 will go there. Anywho... thanks for following guys.
