How are you going Aaron, keep your head down in the hurricane matey :beer:
Nice back up battery setup
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Some species of yellow clown gobies do feed on polyps. The green clown goby with the red stripes on the face and body are the best for acropora. They will destroy an area of a coral when making a place to lay eggs. Other than that, one in a tank will cause no problems. Your tank is looking good......................Jim
It looks like your montis are growing well, especially the encrusting ones. My sunset is sitting there like a dud.
There are some stump remover products at home reno stores (very cheap) but I don't know how stirring they are.
I have used Seachem Flourish Nitrogen for planted aquariums and it has always done the job of moving my nitrates.
Usually easy to find and even though it's a liquid and not as concentrated as the powders, you still shouldn't need tons of it to get nitrates off the ground.