The Frogfish Files

I've heard of people having bad experiences with hermits...I also watched my frogfish (K2) stalk a huge one - I didn't see whether or not he tried to eat it, but had it been smaller he probably would have, as he's very much into eating anything that moves. I don't think snails would be a problem though... Can't get Kermit to take anything dead though...sometimes I manage to shake the stick just right and he thinks it's alive, but then spits it back out almost immediately. :\
The guy at the lfs was just hand feeding. He would shake the krill until he got the frog's attention, then drop it and he would go for it. :)

So what about supplements?
Well, supplements help, especially if your angler is fed a monoculture
diet (like exclusively ghost shrimp).

But, IMO, a varied diet will do more for your fish. You can over-do the
supplements and this can lead to issues. An improper diet whether
nutritionally insuffucient or nutritionally over-enhanced (overly saturated
with lipids) can both affect the fish in a bad way.

I prefer feeding my anglers once a week, a rotating diet. Marine fish
flesh, squid, shrimp, and, once a month, a selcon-enriched foodstuff
goes a long way towards providing a balanced diet. I also feed a gel-based
fish-stick that uses the above marine foodstuffs plus a variety of kelp and marine algaes.
Sounds like a good plan. For the squid and fish flesh do you use grocery store bought or stuff specially sold as fish food?

Also what kind of cleanup crew have you had luck with?

I've never had problems with the normal ones, but with this guy I'm paranoid about urchins and hermits.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10168920#post10168920 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by hobbzz
For the squid and fish flesh do you use grocery store bought or stuff specially sold as fish food?

Also what kind of cleanup crew have you had luck with?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10168920#post10168920 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by hobbzz
Sounds like a good plan. For the squid and fish flesh do you use grocery store bought or stuff specially sold as fish food?

I buy from the local human seafood stores. I avoid material
that has been treated with salt, sulfites, or other preservatives.

Also what kind of cleanup crew have you had luck with?

I've never had problems with the normal ones, but with this guy I'm paranoid about urchins and hermits.

I run barebottom; no clean-up crew. But, in the past, I've used
small brittle stars, molluscs and have avoided crabs and hermits.
New (3 months) little (3 cm) A. pictus

i got bad info at a lfs. i researched and i cant find any new developments on anglers dieing in aquriums widspread. sorry ...didnt want to panic anyone.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10238601#post10238601 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reefcherie
uberfugu - sweet new baby! Hope you can keep the color! Where do you find such tiny frogfish?

Cheri, you know I'm from your neck of the woods! (SJSU Alum)

I just make regular rounds at the LFS and also let them know
what I'm looking for. Periodically, you'll get a call that a little
guy has arrived. Just have your checkbook ready.

But really, your local fish store is often your best source, just
communicate what your needs are.
I think my little guy has ich. :( It snuck up on me because he always has little pieces of sand and bubbles (he likes to sit in front of a powerhead, and it occasionally spits out a few bubbles) on him, so I couldn't see it until a powerhead cleared all the other stuff off. Anyone have experience with ich on an angler/frogfish? I have him in qt right now and I'm starting hypo. Pics can be found here...

Tank params are fine, the temp only fluctuates 1 degree, there are no other tank inhabitants except cleaners. The only thing that changed is that I added a bunch of corals/clam lately, so my hand is in the tank more often. But I could hand feed him without a feeding stick if I chose, so I doubt he's scared of my hand. Does it look like ich or is he possibly changing color to match the sand he's always covered in? So far the general consensus is ich, but I figured I'd ask some people with more angler experience. Also his qt tank is in the kitchen, a pretty high flow area. Should I cover some of the sides so he doesn't constantly see people coming at him to get dishes, food etc? Thanks and wish me luck. :(
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10381739#post10381739 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rjarnold
Antennatus tuberosus, stalking a shrimp.

Very cool little guy Rachel. I've had little success keeping Antennatus
beyond a month or two.

Would you tell us about the set-up he lives in and the care he gets?
Oh...well I'm not one to really ask about care :P He donated some tissue and is doing quite well though. He lives in a 10G w/live rock and chaeto and is eating freshwater guppies and shrimp. The LFS near me is supposed to be getting in some saltwater shrimp for me...but I'm not sure what type of saltwater fish I could find that would be small enough for him...even damsels are too big...he's only about an 1". I doubt I'll have much luck with him either, really...but I guess we'll see. I do, however, know of a person that has had one for 2 years now. IMO, that's pretty incredible. Theirs lives in a rather large reef tank I believe and hides in the rock-work. At times he eyes the clownfish with a rather hungry look, but they are too big for him. This species is rather reclusive and needs a lot of rock-work to hide in. I've thought about transferring him over to my reef tank but assume he'd eat my cleaner shrimp and peppermint shrimps. I could almost deal with that if I didn't also wonder how I'd find/feed him in all that rock. <shrugs>
rjarnold - if you are looking for live marine shrimp of any size, you can order them directly from George at Seawater Express. He normally has very small ones for sale and you can gut load them w/ high quality marine food. I set up a separate tank to keep the shrimp in so that I could order in quantity and keep costs down. You don't want to keep him on freshwater guppies for very long, as that is not a healthy diet for a frogfish.

Best of luck w/ your little guy!
Ok question, the 'freshwater' shrimp I get are called ghost shrimp. I know ghost shrimp exist in saltwater as well, but without a scientific name, freshwater and saltwater can be completely different. I did just talk to my LFS, and they got some ghost shrimp in but they were collected in freshwater...however, they're able to acclimate to saltwater easily. What does this mean in terms of body chemistry and ability to provide the correct nourishment?