The Frogfish Files

Meh, I found a tiny frozen silverside in my big bad o' silversides and he ate it =D Now...I wonder how many other little ones I can find in that bag...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10420424#post10420424 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rjarnold
Meh, I found a tiny frozen silverside in my big bad o' silversides and he ate it =D Now...I wonder how many other little ones I can find in that bag...

I've found that, after the angler learns to take the little silversides, they often
take a half portion of a bigger silverside. I use the head end and they seem to
recognize it as prey. After associating the feeding stick with food, they'll take
the tail end or centercut portion.

Froggies are tempted by the head end of their fish prey. I suppose they may
be looking for eyes. When I worked at the LFS, I had a customer come in with an
angler and a snowflake moray in a bucket. The frogfish had attempted to eat the eel
and had engulfed its head. Both fishes died.
Hm, yeah I will try doing parts of the medium-ish ones then. The larges are just, well, too large even in the head region for this little 1" guy ;) I always assumed they recognized the head as well, but I suppose I've never tried to feed them tail first ;)
Great thread.

I picked up The Dude in January, probably a little over an inch long. He's in a 40g sump with live rock, tubastreas, and some chaeto, connected to a 112g SPS tank. I started feeding live ghost shrimp held in forceps and then moved to thawed frozen krill after a couple of weeks. I have added the occasional live small chromis as well. Seems to be doing well, fed twice per week and has at least doubled in size. I think it's A. maculatus.
160mm standard length (doesn't include the caudal (tail) fin) was the largest one examined upon publishing Frogfishes of the World 1987.
helllo frogfish friends. I've just (and by just i mean for the last few weeks) read ALL of the first section of posts. up to page 67... and there's still 36 more!!!! i'm going to be getting a wart skin soon, and i'm trying to learn as much as i can before i get him.

i have a 20 gal tall, that will be warty ONLY, i would like to feed him frozen if possible, but i'm going to prepare for the live food too. that tank might be stashed in the basement :( i do have some questions that i may find in the last 36,,, but i'm just gonna come on out and ask right now.

temperature? i'm usually at 79 to 80 degrees

filtration? i have a small hang on, i'm thinking of upgrading to a
aqua c remora. that is the only filtration aside from sand and live rock. sound good??

What the longest running time now on our frog fish in captivity??? so far it looks like just aver a year has been the most successful.

well i'm on to the last 36 pages... the story's is getting good. let see there is fuggle, mr moldy, hairy, froggy... and all the others.

i just love this thread.... i was please to find out that the last post was just a week ago!!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10481078#post10481078 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by
What the longest running time now on our frog fish in captivity??? so far it looks like just aver a year has been the most successful.

<img src="/images/welcome.gif" width="500" height="62"><br><b><i><big><big>to the Frogfish Files!</b></i></big></big>

Fuggly lived in my aquarium for nearly 2.5 years. He was only about an inch long when I got him. He never did adapt to eating anything but live food, so the little bugger got live marine shrimp and marine feeder fish the whole time.

I think the temperature you propose would be fine. IMO, since these fish are pretty big poopers for their size, the more filtration you have on that sized tank, the better unless you plan on doing frequent water changes.

Best of luck when you get a frogfish!
whoops some how i hit enter..... any ways

Hi cherie, i was expecting a warm fishy welcome from you. thank you :)

yeah i just foud out about fuggly, 2.5 years is pretty good. also i was just reading about how having a bit a live food, if not always live food, may be the best for the little guys.

what kind of set up do you need for the marine shrimp and minows.. do you keep them together?
will they need the same salinity as the my tank?
i'm trying to figure the best way to get this set up. i have an extra 30 gallon tank in the basement (prior f/w tank) would i need to have a protein skimmer and or charcol filter with that. i would like to go as minimal as possible for that one. will i have to maintain it like i would have to for any reef tank? frequent water changes, live rock, sand, clean up crew and all that?????
I'll describe to you what I did and you can decide for yourself what you think you'd like to try.

I had a 15-gallon saltwater tank in the garage, set up pretty bare bones - some live rock and pvc pipe, bare bottom, heater and canister filter. I tried to keep its parameters very close to Fuggy's tank so that when I transferred fish or shrimp over, I didn't need to acclimate them.

I rotated between batches of marine minnows and marine shrimp (sized to 1/2 or less of Fuggly's length) for a while and then noticed that shrimp seemed to be attracted to his lure, while fish were scare of it - so I decided that shrimp might be more his natural food.

When I used minnows, I waited at least two weeks before giving them to him, to be sure they were healthy. I never had a problem but didn't want to take a chance. With the shrimp, I knew the shrimp farmer's conditions and felt that step wasn't needed.

I went with the idea that frogfish will only overeat if they go through cycles of scarcity, then I put a couple of dozen shrimp or minnows at a time in with him. I did this for the first time when he was already full from a recent meal. He never overate. I could only do that, however, because his tank was attached to the 180-gallon tank good skimming. Otherwise the bioload would have been too much for his 40-gallon tank. I fed the fish/shrimp heavily w/ good quality marine fish food - a varied diet.

My cleanup crew was a few large snails and a couple of hermit crabs. The tank always had plenty of mini brittle stars as well.

I don't think my method was the same as most here... and it was expensive! So like I said, you need to read all you can and decide for yourself.
hello cheri thanks for all the info.
i have some extra live rock i could spare, and i think i can score a canister filet from my brother. so i think that might be the best way for me to go.
what was the webiste that you ordered from?? i would like to check out prices for those guys.

and as far as gut loading them... your feeding them formula 1, 2, mysis shrimp.... what else?

it sounds like i may be getting my guy around the end of the month... he's listed as a antennaruis Maculatus... on looks like he might be a color changer, but the other is white with brownish markings like the wartskins.

thanks again :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10492271#post10492271 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by
hello cheri thanks for all the info.
i have some extra live rock i could spare, and i think i can score a canister filet from my brother. so i think that might be the best way for me to go.
what was the webiste that you ordered from?? i would like to check out prices for those guys.

and as far as gut loading them... your feeding them formula 1, 2, mysis shrimp.... what else?

it sounds like i may be getting my guy around the end of the month... he's listed as a antennaruis Maculatus... on looks like he might be a color changer, but the other is white with brownish markings like the wartskins.

thanks again :)

Where are you looking at getting yours? has had a bunch lately, but all their dark color morphs listed as A. maculatus have been A. pictus for the last 2 months or so since I've been watching. Not sure about where you are, but generally you can get A. pictus at your local LFS for cheaper.
yeah thats where i was looking.
i'm going to be going out of town at the end of the month so i'm gonna wait untill i get back.
all the frog fish i've seen around here have been more like $160 or more.
one they have now is around $60. you say its a. pictus?
should that be alright in a 20 gallon?
Yeah, it's definitely not A. maculatus and is most likely A. pictus. It's small enough to be fine in a 20G I would think for awhile. They can get fairly large, but it's rare that they live in captivity for over a year.
hey cherie,
where were you getting you feeders from. didn't you throw out a web site before.... it's way to intimidating to try to search this thread for it. :)