The Frogfish Files

I've found Histrio histrio, the sargassum angler the hardiest, followed by the more common Antennarius species; A. nummifer, A. multiocellatus, A. pictus, A. coccineus. Actually, Lophiocharon have been very hardy but are difficult to find. Just follow the advice in this thread, keep the water Q pristine, and feed a high quality, varied, marine-based diet. One per tank is recommended. Good luck
I have a very similar 4" white/maroon wartskin

I have a very similar 4" white/maroon wartskin


heres my froggy

any tips to frozen train it?
eating live FW ghost shrimp now


I have a very similar looking wartskin as well as the new 5" Indonesian Orange Pictus? Dr. F & S said it gets 6"max like my Cream or White/Maroon Wartskin. They are both eating silversides or any live food showing itself too close.

I did have a female Clarkii disappear when the Orange was introduced although I had been trying to do the impossible by netting the Clarkii clowns out since the large Cinnamon female clown was constantly chasing the female Clarkii causing unrest. One morning I woke up and there was no water splashing out of the aquarium and one male Clarkii hiding in the rocks with the breeding Cinnamons guarding a clutch of eggs on a rock above my left red rose bubble tip on what used to be the Clarkki left side of the tank.

I still have three yellow tail damsels, two four stripe damsels, one six lined wrasse, one black mouth damsel, the breeding pair of Cinnamons with a female probably too big and mean for the orange angler to take on and the others seem to stay out of its way including my 4" Fu Manchu, 2 1/2" Redfin Waspfish, and the Leaf fish.

It has been in the tank over a month and I have not had a fish go missing after the initial disappearance of the female Clarkii.

The "terminator" will cuddle with the 4" Cebu Cream and Maroon wartskin angler as they hang around the tank posing next to each other. The wartskin will even situate itself right in front of the orange pictus? I am not sure of the species although he is a cool fish and floated around the tank like a large ballon in a parade after the female Clarkii went missing.

I like my smaller type carnivores to go with my Regal and Majestic Angels as well as my Purple Tang and Powder Blue Tang. The smaller fish will just have to take care and not swim in front of the "terminator!", he who has brought peace to my tank.

My Fu Manchu, Redfin, Warskin Angler, Orange Pictus Angler all are eating frozen foods except for my mated pair of Yellow Hawaiian Leaf fish who still only take live food. I have moved them up from little ghost shrimp and feeder guppies to inch long danios which they take two or three at a time.

Both anglers will get in on the live feeding if they get a chance when a feeder fish excapes the net and swims their way.
so i just put a frogfish on hold at our LFS and i am determine to get him to eat frozen but they said mollies are just as nutritional as damsels and crhomis is that true?? but once he is comfrotable in my tank i am goin to try frozen
So ive had my frogfish 2 days and at the pet store he had two molleys in there and the first day he was kinda hiding and today he was walking around and being less shy and i was wondering if i should try feeding him or wait a bit longer if any one has opinions id love to hear them
I do not think it would hurt to wait even a week if he had just eaten at the LFS.

I will feed heavy some weekends and not feed until the next weekend.

I feed my four inch wartskin angler and orange Indonesian angler frozen silversides.

I had to rub/tickle the mouth of my wartskin with a piece of silverside on a feeding stick until it finally lunged up the feeding stick and I pulled back leaving the silverside in the belly of the wartskin.

This method has worked one time with my orange angler.

The past weekend I feed four fat 3/4" red mollies, five 1" yellow long finned danios, and two 1" zerbra danios to my anglers, Fu Manchu, Redfin Waspfish, pair of Yellow Hawaiian Leaf fish even though the Leaf fish are the only ones eating only live food.

Monday, I fed the carnivores pieces of Sea Bass from a half pound from the grocery store. I also was feeding five bubble tip anemones and a long tentacled anemone razor clam the same day so everybody should be good until Saturday or Sunday.
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thanks a bunch for your opinions he just ate a molly that was the first thing he ate since he has been in our system so do you think i should always have food available or not?
I feed my carnivores once or twice a week

I feed my carnivores once or twice a week

thanks a bunch for your opinions he just ate a molly that was the first thing he ate since he has been in our system so do you think i should always have food available or not?

I figure out in the wild they may have to wait for food to come by before catching a meal.

Their metabolism is naturally slower than angels, tangs, and just about all the other fishes that are not ambush feeders.

The frogs especially do not move very fast and tend to do a lot of attack posturing for lengthy periods of time.

I would not go more than a week without feeding them.

I have followed this procedure with first carnivores, the Yellow Hawaiian Leaf fish and they seem to be doing fine traveling the length of my five foot 120 reef with 150 lbs of live rock to camouflage themselves.

It can be a challenge to spot the both of them even when the all the day lights are one in the tank.

Today my Cream and Maroon angler ate one of the 7 zebra danios I put into the tank.

I will probably do frozen food feeding tomorrow and I may go back to Petco to find some feeder fish due to a sale starting tomorrow and the $4.00 worth of coupons I have.
So is frozen food better for them or is live food? And i do want to try him on frozen cause it is cheaper and when should i try frozen Thanks.
Feeding stick

Feeding stick

So is frozen food better for them or is live food? And i do want to try him on frozen cause it is cheaper and when should i try frozen Thanks.

No time is too soon.

I just got finished feed live food to my carnivores including my 4" White and Maroon Wartskin angler and the 5" Orange Indonesian angler.

I then waved a silverside head with 1/3 of the body attached and it snapped it up.

This was a really good sign.

My Wartskin has been slightly less enthusiastic although it is eating silversides.

Keep on trying frozen food once a day or everyother day.
What kind and size of angler do you have?

What kind and size of angler do you have?

Ok thanks again so would you recomend try feeding him a peice of silverside now? Or should i wait?

I would concentrate on maintaining water quality and tank surroundings as it appears he has been fed quite recently and I only feed mine once or twice a week. A may have said before, I fed my anglers on Saturday and Sunday this weekend.

You can always try to rub a fresh chunk of silverside in his face on a daily basis although this may be more of a comfort to you than your angler although you may evetually get him to take a piece of silverside (actually tickling his mouth and possible trying to push it into his mouth very gently).

After a minute or two of the rubbing and he is not opening his mouth for you to stick the silverside into his mouth or snapping it right off the end of the stick when it is just approaching his gulpiing range, I would let him have peace in his new settings. Mine have blown water out of their mouths pushing offered frozen food when they were not in the mood. No big deal. These are really cool fish and I find it rewarding to take care of them.

I have 150 lbs of live rock and they like to "swim" around and settle in many various attack positions all over the entire lenth of my five foot tank. Make you tank a happy place for you angler and you might even want to get a second to keep you first one company. Mine hang out togeather now and then or you may see them watching one of the many live rock crevices from above or below for a possible meal.

I have the 4" wartskin angler and the 5" orange indonesian I got from Dr. Foster and Smith over the internet and they advertised them both geting to a maximum of six inches. I did not want one which gets to a foot long and will possibly eat my Regal or Majestic Angels or my Purple or Powder Blue Tang although a species tank would allow a pair of bigger anglers or frilly Rhinopias Scorpionfish (Rhinopias frondosa) $399.99. They have two smaller pink anglers and a four inch yellow angler.

They seem to get along quite well.

It sounds like you do not have anything to worry about at this point with your angler eating live food recently.

I may have mentioned I fed one or two live marbled mollies to the five inch orange Indonesian today after which it sucked up a silverside head off the end of a 10" feeding stick. So you might want to try feed frozen after you have fed live.

I reiterate, maintain their water quality and give them some places to hide or posture for attack to make them feel happy!
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4" Cebu Maroon and Ceam/5" Orange Indonesian Anglers

4" Cebu Maroon and Ceam/5" Orange Indonesian Anglers

I came home and found my two anglers side by side in the front center of the tank. I got a few photos and then fish started to move with one of the pair of yellow leaf scorpionfish trying to steal the limelight.





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ok so my frogfish has only aten once since ive got him i put another molley in the tank and he didnt really seem interseted and this morning he is swimming alot more than usual so if anyone has advice id love to here it.