I have a very similar 4" white/maroon wartskin
I have a very similar 4" white/maroon wartskin
heres my froggy
any tips to frozen train it?
eating live FW ghost shrimp now
I have a very similar looking wartskin as well as the new 5" Indonesian Orange Pictus? Dr. F & S said it gets 6"max like my Cream or White/Maroon Wartskin. They are both eating silversides or any live food showing itself too close.
I did have a female Clarkii disappear when the Orange was introduced although I had been trying to do the impossible by netting the Clarkii clowns out since the large Cinnamon female clown was constantly chasing the female Clarkii causing unrest. One morning I woke up and there was no water splashing out of the aquarium and one male Clarkii hiding in the rocks with the breeding Cinnamons guarding a clutch of eggs on a rock above my left red rose bubble tip on what used to be the Clarkki left side of the tank.
I still have three yellow tail damsels, two four stripe damsels, one six lined wrasse, one black mouth damsel, the breeding pair of Cinnamons with a female probably too big and mean for the orange angler to take on and the others seem to stay out of its way including my 4" Fu Manchu, 2 1/2" Redfin Waspfish, and the Leaf fish.
It has been in the tank over a month and I have not had a fish go missing after the initial disappearance of the female Clarkii.
The "terminator" will cuddle with the 4" Cebu Cream and Maroon wartskin angler as they hang around the tank posing next to each other. The wartskin will even situate itself right in front of the orange pictus? I am not sure of the species although he is a cool fish and floated around the tank like a large ballon in a parade after the female Clarkii went missing.
I like my smaller type carnivores to go with my Regal and Majestic Angels as well as my Purple Tang and Powder Blue Tang. The smaller fish will just have to take care and not swim in front of the "terminator!", he who has brought peace to my tank.
My Fu Manchu, Redfin, Warskin Angler, Orange Pictus Angler all are eating frozen foods except for my mated pair of Yellow Hawaiian Leaf fish who still only take live food. I have moved them up from little ghost shrimp and feeder guppies to inch long danios which they take two or three at a time.
Both anglers will get in on the live feeding if they get a chance when a feeder fish excapes the net and swims their way.