The Frogfish Files

Can anyone give me an ID on this guy? A LFS got him in and he is about an inch long and is eating guppies. I don't think it is one of the more common anglers.


Back view:

And I was wondering what this brown spike on top of him is.
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Reviving this thread. This is a beautiful 2" orange-red maculatas I picked up last week. Been wanting one of these guys for a long time. It hid behind a rock in my LPS fuge for the first couple days, but caught and ate a 3/4 inch domino damsel yesterday. Must have made him happy so he came out to let me take a couple photos yesterday evening. Awesome little fish. I think my favorite feature of these fish are the little "toes" on their fins. Makes me want to get rid of every other fish I have and fill a tank with these little fatties.

Wow Ryan,

That might be Antennarius biocellatus or the recently described affiliated species. Do you know where it came from? Maybe Rachel Arnold will see this and chime in.
Wow Ryan,

That might be Antennarius biocellatus or the recently described affiliated species. Do you know where it came from? Maybe Rachel Arnold will see this and chime in.

I want to say it came from Quality Marine. I can try and get some more information tomorrow.

Here's two other pics...


Finally, this thread is now back up again. I have been reading and enjoying this thread for a while. So, I guess I will share my love of frogfish too.

I have just set up a 50-Gallon Frogfish nano tank. Here is the spec:
Display Tank 30 x 18 x 18 with sump and refugium
Skimmer - Aqua-Excel
Chiller - Hailea 300A
Light - LED DIY 27-Watt CREE 3 set
Wavemaker - RR Wavemaker Nano



5-inch Pictus


3-inch White Warty

They are all being fed with gutloaded ghost shrimp.

There are still other 2 tiny frogfishes that I still haven't introduced into this tank because they are very small and I am afraid it will be difficult to feed.

One thing I noticed is that the smaller one (or juvenile) is much easier to feed and frozen trained. I have half-inch pictus and warty that eat everything I give them (including a chunk of fish meat or shrimp meat). However, the larger one (or more matured) is much harder to accept anything other than live food, but still trying.
What an awesome thread. Finally some frogfish appreciation. I picked up a sweet angler yesterday. Pics up when I get the chance to take some.
My new baby!

My new baby!

I just got my first frogfish today! I named him Bowser. I have been researching for a while and finally took the plunge. My tank is a 27 gallon bowfront, without any fish just some inverts. Here are a few pictures.





I have not tried feeding him yet, but tomorrow i am going to try giving him some gut loaded ghost shrimps. Im nervous about getting him to eat frozen. It looks like a hard task but im hoping things will work out. I have a package of silversides waiting for him once i get him settled.

Also, can someone please ID him for me? I think he is a pictus but i am not sure.
Frogfish rule!

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do you have any tips for me to get bowser to eat frozen? i have only had him a few days and he has only eaten one ghost shrimp and doesnt seem too interested in the frozen silversides.
Well I think I was kinda lucky but I'll tell you what I did.

I started with feeding him live mollies. My LFS let me have any that were deformed or dying so that's what I fed.

Then I started feeding him a live mollie and a freeze dried krill together in the forceps.

Then one day I said what the heck I bet there's no way he'll eat this and I tried the formula one. Then low and behold- he ate it. Loved it ever since.
thanks i will have to try this. right now he seems a little shy, but he did eat one ghost shrimp from the net. i have been trying to net feed him. I wave a silverside in his face but he doesnt care. Thanks for the advice!
Here are a few pics of my new little guy. I think he is a pictus, but I'm not sure, so and ID would be appreciated.



Dear All,
I am a frogfish lover and I live in Thailand. I am trying to find a shop or someone that can help purchasing Hikari Frozen Silversides and ship to Thailand. It is very difficult to find silversides in Thailand. Any help is appreciated.

I too now seem to have a resident Damsel in my Frogfish tank :)

I received my little guy on Friday (5 days ago). He is doing very well. On Friday when he got settled in I threw a ghost shrimp in after seeing if he would go for a scallop. I never saw if he ate it or if the shrimp disappeared into the rocks so I waited a few days.

I got a Damsel on Sunday who is still swimming (on the complete oposite side of the tank though).

Today is Tuesday so I just threw in 2 ghost shrimp. The guy must have been pretty hungry, he chased them down into a corner. This guys is really cool. I will have to update with pics when I find our camera.

Additionally, I am feeding the ghost shrimp Formula One flake until I can get the guy on frozen.