The Frogfish Files


I personally used gut loaded shrimp and would throw a blue chromi or damsel in for him to eat to give his diet some diversity
Moved him to frozen silver sides and krill and the occasional damsel if he won't eat anything frozen for a few days
I feel that this is the best diet as it's close to what they would be eating in the ocean and fresh water feeders don't have all the nutritional values needed
Best of luck friend

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is it eating prepared foods? I had a chance to buy one this weekend but I passed. It was only about 2" and the owner said it has been in the store for 3+ weeks which was a plus but I had to resist
Sorry bro my guy is still going strong it blows my mind because I only have a ten gallon and my parameters have been all over the place like my alkalinity and calcium I just can't keep them at a constant and my nitrates are steady at 20 but he seems unaffected

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Likely, and from what I have seen not only in this Pic but through others, keep doing what you're doing. Fish are really resilient once acclimated and established. They can handle swings and you're corals look good so just keep working on it. In a system that small, frequent small water changes once or twice a week (like 2 gallons each time) and that should be all the dosing or anything youl'd have to do. See what your params are when your system appears it's best(coloration of corals and growth, happy fish) and try to emulate them. Chasing what works for others (we've all been a little guilty at this and not saying you do but it's difficult) won't necessarily work for you or me. Best reefing to you man and keep posting pics of that amazimg little guy ya got there. One of my favorites.

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Yeah all I've been doing is about a gallon a week and dosing alk and calcium been only dosing for about a month so I'm still trying to get a pattern down to keep things stable
I'm trying my best not to chase a number but I'm really tryin hard to keep my alk at just one number
I appreciate the input [emoji56]

It is a lot of fun to watch him eat live fish [emoji23][emoji23][emoji1326]*♂️

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I have a 2.6 gallon tank (~12"x7"x7") that will be plumbed to a ~40g established system. I'm thinking of housing a single Antennatus Tuberosus or Linearis. Do you think that would be enough space?

Saw these two pop up on Diver's Den today (but don't have the time this week), hope they come around again.
I have a 2.6 gallon tank (~12"x7"x7") that will be plumbed to a ~40g established system. I'm thinking of housing a single Antennatus Tuberosus or Linearis. Do you think that would be enough space?

Saw these two pop up on Diver's Den today (but don't have the time this week), hope they come around again.

That is a nice way to keep these smaller frogfishes. Keeps the water quality high but keeps the relatively sedentary small fish in an space where you can keep tabs on it and makes it a little easier to feed.

Now, good luck getting and keeping either species alive!