The Hair Algae battle seems to be over!


New member
I've been away for some time, lurking in the shadows while battling the evil HA, and it seems like i've finally prevailed. I must admit that ultimately the Lawnmower blenny / Yellow tang combo are one heck of a algae munching team!
Even though there are still tiny patches of it here and there, they have gobbled up the majority of it.

I became dilligent about frequent LR scrubbing while doing frequent water changes and it made a world of difference as it kept the algae short enough to be wolfed down by the herbivores. I also replaced most of the substrate cuz it had more algae on it than sand. I'm glad it is going away because things almost got to the point where I was just going to give up SW and dismantle the tank completely and sell it off... :(

Here are some pics of what it looks like now... I don't own a digital camera and these were taken with my handicam, so pardon the poor quality...

Tank view

Algae killer on the prowl...

Lawnmower rox!

These guys are cool...
glad to see things are going well, the tank is looking great. keep up the good work.
Awesome man, congratulations on cleaning up the tank! I'm thinking of getting a lawnmower blenny like that to clean out my 24g nano, the only problem i'm worried about is him eating the cheato ball growing there to get the nutrients away from the other microalgaes.
Thanks all..! It wasn't easy but definitely worth the effort.

Yeah, the lawnmower is very aggresive about eating green foods, so i'm sure he would probably wreck a cheato ball quick... mine just doesn't stop munching on the rock and he'll eat flake very readily too. A very mellow little guy.