The Last Solaris I5 Six Footer?


New member
Hi all, just finished what very possibly is the last refresh of my 72" Solaris I5 and I began wondering if I'm the last one on Reef Central that's still running this light?

I say this is probably the last refresh as I'm 72 years old now and my eyes and hands just aren't up to solder small surface mount chips to the controller boards when they burn up due to the unstoppable corrosion from the humid environment it runs in 24/7. Also, I'm just about out of spare LED strips.

This time it was replacing the small cable that runs from the display buttons to the main controller board. As you can see in the photo the ribbon cable cracked where it was bending inside the hood and I couldn't use the buttons to change settings in the main board. Fortunately, I had a spare display with the a good ribbon cable to replace it.

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I have 2x 6' and 1x 4', that I stopped using about 2 yrs ago... tried to fire them up a few months ago, but nothing! Is it worth trying to repair? Are the parts reusable?
I have 2x 6' and 1x 4', that I stopped using about 2 yrs ago... tried to fire them up a few months ago, but nothing! Is it worth trying to repair? Are the parts reusable?

By nothing do you mean the power supplies won't power up the lights? Usually the later I5 model Solaris had better higher voltage power supplies that didn't have the problems the earlier models had.
By nothing do you mean the power supplies won't power up the lights? Usually the later I5 model Solaris had better higher voltage power supplies that didn't have the problems the earlier models had.

Don't remember exactly what happened... I think the display on the 4' came on, but the 6's did not. I have 8 power packs (I think that they are Meanwell), but I can't find the 4 extras that I had ... have sooo many extra Leds and T5s and MHs that I should start posting some FS threads!
If you're in need of parts, maybe we could work a deal in exchange for a repair for 1 I would keep
Don't remember exactly what happened... I think the display on the 4' came on, but the 6's did not. I have 8 power packs (I think that they are Meanwell), but I can't find the 4 extras that I had ... have sooo many extra Leds and T5s and MHs that I should start posting some FS threads!
If you're in need of parts, maybe we could work a deal in exchange for a repair for 1 I would keep

Not knowing exactly what's wrong with what you have and what would be salvageable this would be a discussion probably better had in private. 8 power supplies is the right number to have for two 72" and one 48" I5 Solaris lights. I'd be surprised if you couldn't get one of them working well.

My light is probably good for about a year now which has been the interval I seem to have been doing repairs on it for the last three years.