The Mandarin Dinner is "most excellent, dude!"

Ok. Thanks, Acolin. Man, it would be nice if all three of these software companies (MS, RealPlayer & Apple) would make their stuff compatible with one another.
Wow. I have exactly the same situation, though I only have one tang. So far my solution had been to feed enough at once so that enough fell to the bottom that my mandarin would get 5 or 6 bites. This morning, after reading your tip, I put some chopped table shrimp in a drinking glass, carefully filled it with water, and lowered it to the bottom of the aquarium.

My mandarin spent about 10 minutes attempting to eat the shrimp pieces through the glass (while I groaned - all of my fish are so stupid!!!). I intervened - I shook the glass a bit so that some of the shrimp bits were near the open end of the glass (they had been clustered at the bottom). A minute later the mandarin decided to investigate again. After only three minutes of trying to eat through the glass (arrgh!) he found the opening and went right in and started chowing down.

Surprisingly, none of my other fish (including chromis, which would fit in the glass, and a tang, who wouldn't) seemed to notice the glass at all. Did I mention my fish are morons? :) I'm sure that will change as time goes by. ;)

I'm really excited about this. My mandarin needs more food - this will let him have it. I'm hopeful that I can use it to expand his diet as well - he will currently only eat chopped table shrimp or mysis shrimp. I'll try mixing these with sinking pellets and maybe chopped clams in the glass.

Thanks SO MUCH for this article! A big help in my case already.

I'm glad it seems to be helping, Jayo.

I'm going to see if I can find some Masago or Tobiko at an asian food store. Those are capelin roe and flyingfish roe eggs. Maybe that will be a nice choice for my mandarins.